World 'Quality Month' to boost productivity
By Sunil G Wijesinha
Japan was the first to declare a nationwide 'Quality Month' in
November in the 1960s as part of its drive to excel in quality. The
initiative was taken by the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE).
It is commonly known that World War II destroyed much of Japan's
productive capacity, and to emerge from the devastation, the primary
focus at the time was production quantity rather than its quality, and
companies were asked to focus on zero breakdowns.

Sunil G Wijesinha |
Poor quality gave Japanese products a bad name. Products from Japan
were commonly referred to in the West as 'cheap and shoddy'. Japan
quickly put in place many initiatives to correct this. Quality Circles,
the Deming award for Quality, and Quality Month were some of the
significant initiatives. Japan also introduced radio and TV programs on
quality, giving step-by-step instructions on how to identify, analyse
and remedy quality problems, all in the Japanese language, and how to
reach higher standards of quality. The role of two American consultants,
Dr Edward Deming and Joseph Juran who triggered a quality revolution in
Japan is also legendary.
Quality improvement
Dr Deming was invited to Japan by General McArthur who was the
effective ruler of occupied Japan soon after the war, and later was
invited by JUSE to work on quality improvement, while Juran was invited
by JUSE after seeing his publication in the US 'Quality Control
Deming introduced more techniques, particularly Statistical Quality
Control, and the famous PDCA cycle, while Juran focused more on the
human dimension of quality and used the Pareto principle for quality
analysis to focus on the "vital few rather than the useful many" as he
called it.
Front line workers
The Japanese, however, gave their own twist to the western quality
initiatives, giving more prominence to front line workers rather than to
quality experts, and involving the front line workers by tapping their
brains in addition to their hands. Japan also had a philosophy that
quality cannot be improved by mere inspection, but requires quality at
every stage, for which the education and involvement of the worker was a
sine qua non.
With the declaration of November every year as Quality month,
Japanese companies and organisations were expected to fly the Q flag,
which is now registered by JUSE, and to have several activities to
create an interest in quality, create more awareness of quality
techniques, to convince everyone of the importance of quality, take
pride in quality and so on.
Many organisations, therefore, conducted lectures, competitions, and
many other events. Japanese workers were encouraged to get together with
their foremen and supervisors and study quality improvement techniques
from manuals and books.
It was quite natural, therefore, for Japanese goods to earn a
reputation for high quality in a short time span. High quality became an
obsession with the Japanese. With the influx of high quality Japanese
goods into other countries and taking market share away from their own
industries, many governments took action to improve the quality of their
enterprises when their manufacturers were protesting about the influx of
Japanese goods.
When Dr Deming first went to Japan and saw the keenness of the
Japanese people to learn and apply quality control and quality
improvement techniques, he predicted that within twenty years other
countries would be screaming for protection against high quality
Japanese goods.
Few believed him then, but the prediction came true. The US launched
a similar Quality Month in the 1980s, with the American Society for
Quality (ASQ) declaring a Quality Month in October to focus on quality.
For some years there were Presidential proclamations declaring October
as the Quality Month. Europe too launched Quality Month around the same
In 2010, November was declared as World Quality Month to unite global
quality activities, and to focus on quality techniques, research,
training and awareness.
The idea was that if quality improves throughout the world, mankind
as a whole would benefit. While October 14 each year is the
International Standards Day, and some countries celebrate Quality in
October, many countries now follow November as the Quality Month.
The writer is the President, Sri Lanka Association for the
Advancement of Quality and Productivity.