Learn to draw by Tissa Hewavitharana
Colour mixing in water colour
There are an infinite number of colours but all of them includes
three basic colours. The primary colours yellow, magenta and cyan (blue)
by mixing two primary colours we obtain secondary colours. As beginners
mainly children should understand how these colours behave when mixed
together in different amounts. This knowledge allows any beginner to
obtain a good idea in colour mixing and ensures correct application of
colours on your painting. As mentioned earlier the three primary colours
yellow, magenta and cyan in different amounts you can obtain all the
other colours.
But you can paint with the three primary colours without having to
mix colours. The pure colours are treated as if they were independent
washes of three different colours. But this is not entirely true since
wash can only be made with one colour or with a mixture of two.
Figure (one) indicates the brightest colour of the three, yellow.
Since it reflects light without allowing any of the three stripes to
blend together. These three colours allow you to obtain a wide range of
tones. Observe Figure 2 which shows a simple painting of a flower
without allowing any of the three colours to come into contact with one

It is slightly difficult, since wet tones mix and change into other
colours. You have to plan carefully before applying your first colour so
that the colours may not run all over on a wet background. Notice the
colours I have used mainly two and the green used for stems is a mixture
of yellow and magenta (blue).
If you do not plan things carefully, you may lose control of the
painting. Light is one of the most important parts of a painting. The
main focus is on light and how it effects the painting in colour. I have
used yellow as the background to bring more light to the picture.
This simple painting of a flower is only the basic use of colours for
any beginner. I have not gone to any details. To do the background I
have used No. 6 sable hair soft brush, while for stems No. 3 brush.
Paper used Kent paper with a slight grain 150 grams. |