Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 12 January 2014





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Homage to heritage

World Heritage Sites in Sri Lanka Sarasavi Publishers, Nugegoda

Reviewed by Kalakeerthi Edwin Ariyadasa

"If we really wish to put an end to our ongoing international and social problems, we must eventually declare earth and all its resources as the common heritage of all the world's people."

Jacques Fresco (1916- ) American futurist.

Our initial response to the publication under review, is the unswerving recognition of the need to offer profuse felicitations to its author.

The work is World Heritage Sites in Sri Lanka. The scholarly creator of this book is Siri Ipalawatta, distinguished academician, who is fervently dedicated to the promoting of spiritual values and aesthetic preferences of the people.

This monumental tome emerges as an exquisite outcome of an initiative taken by UNESCO, way back in 1972. A momentous Convention was adopted that year, for the protection of the World's natural and cultural heritage.

The move by UNESCO has highly profound humane implications. What it did, in effect, was the conversion of the precious treasures of the earth - both natural and man-made, into the common heritage of the totality of mankind.

This brings about a cultural unification of humanity, overcoming the narrow limitations, imposed by national, racial and at times even by religious divisions.

What is mine and ours, is now the possession of the totality of the human family. In consequence, their protection and maintenance are a sacred human responsibility.

The early sojourn of Homo Sapiens first began somewhere around 50,000 B.C. The footprint marking his progress, towards today's cultural cosmopolitan level, is preserved by the various edifices he has produced over a long period of time, spanning many centuries.


Some of the sites, where he left his creative imprint, have become glorious items in the common heritage of the present global community of Homo Sapiens, with a membership in excess of seven billion.

Among the World Heritage sites, selected by UNESCO, eight from Sri Lanka are present. In terms of the population scales of the countries in the modern world, we do not occupy an exceptionally high position. But, in spite of that, our being given eight sites in the World Heritage list, is, to begin with, an unmistakeable tribute paid to the quality of our cultural treasures.

It is here, that scholar Siri Ipalawatte's creative publication, emerges in high profile. To my mind, it is perhaps in this work, that the ever-lasting spirit of our cultural heritage is enticingly captured, in an impressive synthesis of text and image.

Over the ages, multitudes of ardent devotees, dedicated pilgrims and fascinated visitors, would have frequented these sites.

In recent times, many would have visually recorded them, utilising super-sophisticated photographic tools. But, when you keenly pore over, scholar Siri Ipalawatte's text and image, you become overwhelmed by their capacity, to recreate the 'life' of these sites, infusing an element special liveliness to them.


Author Siri Ipalawatte, brings something more than photographic efficiency and the dexterity of writing to these recordings of his impressions of the sites he observes. It is quite evident that he is inspired and profoundly moved by a sense of adoration an awe.

In his visual study of Ruvanweliseya at Anuradhapura, the serene glow emanating from the ancient stupa, is dramatically contrasted by the solid stone pillars and the curved and arching lamp-posts, in the foreground, impressing the viewer with a surprising new aspect of the shrine.

His well-informed, carefully researched text, is equally absorbing. Even a reader quite familiar with the historical background of King Davanampiya Tissa's reign, will be able to garner some fresh insights from his authoritative exegesis, that supports the illustrative content.

For the student of these sites, the telling visual detail the Author provides, will prove an enhancement his experience of those well-known sites.

The writer's narration of the history of the transfer of the capital of the kingdom from Anuradhapura, to the ancient city of Polonnaruwa, fills some gaps, in the conventional history of this specific period. The book instils a fresh sense of discovery to the age-old shrine of Dambulla, by the Startlingly presented visual array of the structure and the images of this cave-temple.

When he arrives in Galle, which is yet another of the Heritage sites of Sri Lanka, the array of visuals, transits into an altogether new era.

Even a person, fully immersed in the history and culture of the city of Galle and its environs, would be amazed by some visuals presented by this work, in its section on Galle, I especially recommend the pages 116 and 117, for an enchanting visual treat.


The significance of the work, is graphically enhanced by the seamless fusion of text and images. The reader who enters the inner urge of this work, will vicariously imbibe the appeal of these sites, while remaining at home. Over and above all the multiple layers benefits this work endows, one specifically salutary outcome should be decided underlined.

When we esteem the sites, vividly presented by this work, everyone in Sri Lanka, will feel a sense of just pride as at least, a part owner of this universal heritage. This will invariably instruct our people to think as one nation, unified by a common heritage, the parallel of which could be found only very rarely elsewhere.


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