Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 12 January 2014





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Ravi demands disciplinary action against Muzzamil

The main Opposition - the United National Party (UNP) seems to be heading towards more and more problems. Instead of gearing for the forthcoming Southern and Western Provincial Council elections, the UNP seniors are fighting among themselves.

The latest political clash in the UNP was witnessed at its recent Leadership Council meeting. Colombo District parliamentarian Ravi Karunanayake accused UNP's Mayor of Colombo M.J.M. Muzzamil of making statements without the approval of the party. Ravi was referring to a newspaper report in which Muzzamil had stated that his wife Ferozza will be contesting the forthcoming Western Provincial Council (WPC) elections on the UNP ticket.

Ravi suggested that a disciplinary inquiry should be launched against the Colombo Mayor as neither the party leadership or the Leadership Council had taken a decision to field Muzzamil's wife at the WPC polls. But the chairman of the UNP Leadership Council Karu Jayasuriya intervened at this stage to defend Muzzamil. Karu said it is premature to conduct a disciplinary hearing against the Mayor of Colombo merely based on a newspaper report. Karu said that they are unaware whether the newspaper had subsequently published a denial. Hence, Karu suggested that they must first speak to Muzzamil before taking any decision.

However, Ravi was not happy with Karu's decision and kept on insisting that the Leadership Council must conduct an immediate disciplinary inquiry against Muzzamil. Most Leadership Council members appeared to be annoyed by the manner in which Ravi continued to target Muzzamil for obvious reasons.

It was Matara District parliamentarian Mangala Samaraweera who finally silenced Ravi. Mangala said if the UNP or its leadership council conducts disciplinary hearings based on newspaper reports, there should be disciplinary investigations against Ravi as well. "You had said that our party leader does not have a backbone," Mangala told Ravi.

But Ravi hit back, "Yes I said a thing like that. But people such as Sajith and Sujeewa say even more harmful things regarding the party to become heroes among the people. They play to the gallery to become instant heroes whereas we look jokers by conducting ourselves in a responsible manner. Before trying to silence me, you must ask them to keep their big mouths shut."

Mangala said all of them should refrain from making controversial statements that damages the party.

John's spy mission

Chief Opposition Whip and senior UNP parliamentarian John Amaratunga's inclusion in President Mahinda Rajapaksa's delegation to the recent state visits to Jordan, Israel and Palestine was the talking point in the political circles. Many suspected that it was a well planned move before John makes a political somersault during the Western Provincial Council election campaign.

While rejecting media reports that he would join the Government, John said he had no intention of accepting the post of Speaker or any other Government post.

During the week-long tour, John got ample opportunity to be close to the President and share some political secrets. John appeared to be more interested in knowing the names of the UNP stalwarts who are negotiating with the Governments to join the UPFA. The President answered all the questioned posed by John. The former minister wanted to know on UNP seniors who play political double games and had requested appointments with the President to join the Government during the forthcoming Provincial Council election campaign.

John was armed with all those secret information when he met UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday. John gave a detailed update on his foreign tour with the President. Ranil was more interested in knowing on the information that John had gathered on UNPers who intend to join the Government.

But there has been severe criticism within the UNP ranks on the double standards of the party. While UNP leadership allowed John to join the presidential delegation and become a state guest even without the knowledge of the Leadership Council, stern disciplinary action has been taken against UNP Provincial Council members Maithri Gunaratne and Shiral Laktillake who have now been expelled from the party, along with 21 others. The UNP working committee took the controversial decision last week.

Chandrika's lavish party

Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga threw a lavish party to her close friends, confidants and political associates at Mount Lavinia Hotel last Tuesday. The grand dinner was hosted by an organisation that operates under her patronage.

Among the politicians present were her long-time confidant Mangala Samaraweera and TNA parliamentarian M.A. Sumanthiran and UNP Provincial Council member Harshana Rajakaruna. Several other politicians, university academics, lawyers and diplomats were among the massive gathering.

Mangala was seated in the main table with Chandrika and most of the invitees were keen to know the recent theft that had taken place at Mangala's residence.

"Now who had broken your house?" a lawyer inquired.

But Mangala's honest answer contained the true story. "A boy whom I use for little little things. He has been in and out of my residence. He is the one who had broken the house," Mangala replied.

"Yes, it's mostly the known guys who indulge in these acts. Now did you get the stolen goods?" another lawyer asked. "Yes, police has recovered some of them. I don't mind losing the laptop but if I could find the stolen whiskey bottles back, it would be enough," Mangala said.

President returns

President Rajapaksa returned to the country on Friday morning after a highly successful week-long state tour to the Middle East. The visits brought much benefit to Sri Lanka in the economic and political spheres.

In the first leg of his official visit the President and the Sri Lankan delegation arrived in the Jordanian capital Amman on Sunday and held bilateral discussions with King Abdulla ll Ibn Al Hussein of Jordan at the Royal Hashemite Court in Amman on a number of topics relevant to both countries, including cooperation in defense-related activities and progress of the Joint Committee that was established after the signing of the Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement in 2007.

President Rajapaksa also requested King Abdulla to consider a duty concession for the tea that Jordan imports from Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka is currently the largest supplier of tea to Jordan which is re-exported to places such as Iraq and Palestine.

Discussing other areas of potential collaboration, King Abdulla briefed President Rajapaksa and the Sri Lankan delegation of an

open-source-software-supported telemedicine project that Jordan is launching. The King said that Sri Lanka could benefit from similar strategies and the King invited the Sri Lankan delegation to visit the project in Jordan.

The two leaders strongly agreed to collaborate on multilateral issues, and President's invitation for the King to visit Sri Lanka was accepted. This was the third time the President met King Abdulla.

The last time the President met King Abdulla in Jordan in 2009 when he attended the G-11 Summit on an invitation extended by the King. Prior to that, the President met King Abdulla in 2007, also during the G-11 Summit. During this meeting, the two countries signed an agreement on cultural promotion.

Highest honour for Lankan leader

President Rajapaksa and the Sri Lankan delegation arrived in Palestine on Monday.

They were received by Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah on arrival. Palestinian Ambassador to Sri Lanka Dr. Anwar H. Al-Agha, Sri Lanka's Acting Representative in Palestine Siraj Ahamed and the Honorary Consul of Sri Lanka in Bethlehem Mr. Micheal Shomali.

The President visited the mausoleum of the former Palestinian President Yasser Arafat to lay a wreath. President Rajapaksa and the entire family met the late President Arafat back in 1997 when he visited Sri Lanka.

During the day, President Rajapaksa and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas conducted a one-on-one meeting and engaged in extended bilateral discussions with their respective delegations.

The Palestinian Government coferred President Mahinda Rajapaksa with the honorary title of 'Star of Palestine', which is the highest award of the State of Palestine.

Speaking at this function the President told the gathering that relations between Sri Lanka and the State of Palestine are exceptional and he himself and the Sri Lankan government remain committed to extending fullest support to the State of Palestine and the friendly people of Palestine.

The President held bilateral discussions at the Presidential Palace in the city of Ramallah with President Dr. Mahmoud Abbas and during the friendly and warm discussion President Abbas recalled his two visits to Sri Lanka respectively in 2008 and 2012.

He said that he is honored to receive the President and emphasized the longstanding cordial relations between Palestine and Sri Lanka and expressed hope that these relationships will improve more and more in the future.

Dr. Abbas expressed his gratitude for the support Sri Lanka extended for Palestine to gain the status as a Non-member Observer State in the United Nations and updated President on the ongoing peace process with Israel.

President Rajapaksa assured Dr. Abbas that Sri Lanka will always support the Palestinian cause and said that it is his wish and the wish of the people of Sri Lanka to see the early emergence of an independent Palestinian State.

The President said relations between the two countries get stronger year after year and apprised the Palestine President of the current developments in Sri Lanka.

He said that within a short period of four years following the end of terrorism, Sri Lanka has made significant progress, in terms of reconstruction, resettlement, rehabilitation, reintegration and reconciliation. President Rajapaksa also briefed Dr. Abbas on the Northern Provincial Council elections.

President spends Christmas in Bethlehem

Following the opening of the Mahinda Rajapaksa Vocational Training Centre in Betunia, Palestine, the President arrived at the Betunia Municipality Park to plant an olive tree. Afterwards, the President and First Lady Shiranthia Rajapaksa visited the Sri Lanka Representative Office and saw the road name after the President, located opposite the Representative Office. The road has been named HE Mahinda Rajapaksa Road in November 2007 in appreciation of President Rajapaksa's work as the Founder President of the Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine.

The Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, Theophilos III, of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, hosted a dinner in honor of President Mahinda Rajapaksa and First Lady Madam Shiranthi Wickremasinghe Rajapaksa and the Sri Lankan delegation on Monday evening on the Eve of Eastern Christmas Celebrations.

The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the traditional birthplace of Jesus, celebrates the Eastern Orthodox Christmas on January 7. Most Eastern Orthodox Christian denominations celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on January 7, in contrast to the Western Christian tradition of celebrating on December 25.

The Church of the Nativity is a basilica located in Bethlehem. The Church of the Nativity is a World Heritage Site, and was the first to be listed under Palestine by UNESCO. The site is also on UNESCO's List of World Heritage Sites in Danger. Due to its cultural and geographical history, the site holds a prominent religious significance to those of the Christian and Islamic faiths.

A special prayer blessings were conducted at the holy site, known as the Grotto, at the Church by the orthodox priests. Later in the evening, President Rajapaksa, the First Lady, Palestinian President Dr. Mahmoud Abbas attended the midnight Mass for the Orthodox Christmas Eve at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem conducted by the Patriarch of Jerusalem.

Prsident Mahinda Rajapaksa, the First Lady and the Sri Lankan delegation arrived in Jerusalem, Israel, on Wednesday morning on the final leg of their official visit to the Middle East. This is the first ever visit by a Sri Lankan leader to the State of Israel.

During the bilateral talks between President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, Sri Lanka and Israel agreed to expand bilateral relations in a number of sectors, including trade, agriculture and water.

Wimal sings a duet with Daily News staffer Irangika

Minister of Engineering Services, Construction, Housing and Common Amenities, Wimal Weerawansa held his annual media party at a leading hotel in Boralesgamuwa last Tuesday.

Over 400 media personalities from almost all newspapers, television and radio channels took part at the party which was held on a grand scale.

Wimal looked free and relaxed with his friends in media and went around the tables to individually greet the media personalities.

When Wimal was going to table a media personality made a suggestion on behalf of a colleague. "Mr. Minister, we have a singing partner who would like to perform a duet with you," he said proposing the name of Daily News lobby correspondent Irangika Range. Then the minister wanted to what the song is?

"Irangika would like to wing Dayaratne and Amara Ranatunga's Maha raa yame with you," the journalist said. Wimal said it's a hard song to sing but agreed to do so. Later, Wimal sang four of Gunadasa Kapuge's popular numbers to entertain the gathering. Then Daily News staffer Irangika was invited to the stage to join Minister Weerawansa to sing Dayaratne-Amara duet.

Parks open to lovers

Botanical Gardens and Public Recreation Minister Jayaratne Herath said last week that there was no ban on lovers entering botanical gardens and parks but that they were expected to behave in a decent manner when visiting such places.

The minister said it was the fundamental right of lovers to enter these areas but they should be mindful of the presence of other visitors and should not be found misbehaving there.

"We do not want to interfere with a person's right to enter such places. Botanical gardens are places where people can move around freely and enjoy themselves. But misbehaving will be strictly forbidden," the minister said in a statement.

He said botanical gardens were not for visitors to pick flowers or engrave their names on trees, but they were special areas where people could enjoy and appreciate the gifts of nature and be educated about our flora and fauna and conservation projects.

"Several large scale botanical garden projects are in the pipeline for this year. Botanical Gardens at Avisawella and Sithawaka and the Safari Garden at Reedigama will be opened for the public this year. This will be followed by setting up botanical gardens in every district of country," the minister said.

WPC to be dissolved today?

Western Province chief Minister Prasanna Ranatunga said on Friday that the Western Provincial Council will definitely be dissolved between January 12 and 16. The Chief Minister will decide the exact date of dissolution by next Saturday. He discussed about the dissolution of the council with the councilors and the National Organizer of the party on Wednesday.

"Councillors in the Western Provincial Council expressed their support for dissolving the council," he said. Prasanna said he can recommend the dissolution of the council but the election date is decided by the elections commission within 14 days of dissolution of the council. He said that his party has decided not to name the chief ministerial candidate before the election and he complies with the party's decision.

The Chief Minister also said that he is the acting organizer for the Kelaniya electorate until the party appoints a suitable organiser.

Prasanna said that there is simply no challenge to the United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA) from the Opposition at the forthcoming Western Provincial Council election. "There is a challenge among parties in the Opposition," he said.


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