Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 12 January 2014





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The role of leaders in a changing world

What we hear from the four corners of the world is that the planet earth is full of natural and man-made resources.

New discoveries and IT revolutions increasing rapidly are adequate to make this planet a paradise. Leading religions appear among the oldest resources and they are in competition to help the humans to achieve perfection. Yet we see no end to violence against the weak which includes women, children, the old and the poor.

The violence among religious and political groups in many countries appear to be disgraceful. The situation has developed to a point paving the way for the emergence of a network of leaders to save the world. Can it be the next in the line of paradigm shifts the world has already witnessed?

Amidst the threat of a nuclear war the time is opportune and running out fast for all leaders to observe these glaring facts. The writers who are now getting established as leaders should come to the forefront of the journey to achieve world peace and prosperity.

The advantage they have over other leaders (CEOs, proprietors and industrialists) is that their ability to get networked faster in the nature of their profession. What all leaders should realise first is that the entire wealth of resources in the world, developed as well as undeveloped and unexploited belongs to all human beings living on this planet. All of us are born to the mother earth.

Who can deny the fact that the milk we sucked, warmth we felt as infants from our second mother came from the soil and the atmosphere of earth respectively? All nations, Sri Lankans, Indians, Americans English and Africans then become members of one family.

What better example can one think of to feel the sense of common humanity. With so much of wealth available to us aren’t we like beggars sitting on pots of gold? Even the leading nations in Europe and America should feel same way as they too are not aware of their inner power to be realised only through inner journey.


We are the proud owners of this truth available in Asia which we must share with everybody on this planet. If these facts are absorbed by all human beings free of any prejudice it becomes the prime duty of all governments to provide a space/land and shelter to all humans of this planet.

The governments that cannot do it should be helped by other governments in the richer parts of the world.

Accepting liability is by those super powers would be sufficient for people to feel that they are born to this mother earth to enjoy available facilities to work and develop together as brothers and sisters in a global family. This understanding will have the effect of changing the world amazingly.

The cessation of terrorist activities will become a reality. World peace will prevail as no country will think of war among humans who are really children of one mother.

This should not be a mere idea but a target to be attempted through ‘inner journey’ described below.

Now there is a task for all writers who as you know world has identified as influential leaders. (if you serf the net you can see the research progressing in this regard. Writers have been forerunners of historic revolutions.)

As a soft beginning can all writers (in any field) incorporate a message into all their writings? The idea that the message should carry continuously in a suitable manner is: ‘all humans are born to this mother earth and therefore entitled to live in any part of this planet.

Religious leaders

It’s the responsibility of all governments of the world cooperating with each other to provide a space and shelter for all humans.’

Further they can add that all varieties of resources including all rules and regulations created by states, contents of all religious books shall blend together naturally in the minds of the people for this purpose.

Result is the teachings of all religious leaders not only will blend together but also get summarised to avoid repetitions, facilitating easy comprehension. This will be operative instantaneously the moment the idea enters the heads of leaders and their followers. These changes will record not in the original books and documents but in the minds of leaders who are spearheaded by writers and their followers. Combined and unauthenticated writings for a good cause with the power of the network of writers will undoubtedly be supported and respected by eight billion odd world population.

This is the background to commence the ‘inner journey for self-exploration which will end up in finding out the behaviour of the imaginary self. When there is no observer/doer all objects become non existent.

The truth and the secret behind this you will find for yourself on the inner journey. Peter R Scholtes internationally known author says in his book Leader’s Handbook that the leaders must go an inch wide and a mile deep. Is this the depth the visionary thinker Peter Drucker tries to show in his book ‘Management Challenges for the 21st Century’ where he says (page no 74-75) ‘the first policy - and the foundation for all the others - is to abandon yesterday.

In fact, it is not possible to create tomorrow unless one sloughs off yesterday.’ Referring to an old product, service, market or process he says usually they are not ‘dying’;they are dead.’ Our ‘inner journey’ in wisdom of Asia helps us to see the non existing world on display as shadows there by gaining ability serve with utmost integrity and build the new world creatively. We said the world is full of resources which are adequate to create the new world. With this understanding you can find plenty of avenues to commence a journey to achieve various targets of your own.

Being satisfied that we belong to the planet earth with the right to inherit our basic needs to live, you need to operate from the place where you are domiciled. Our CEOs playing an important leadership role in this country can turn towards International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) to grab a wonderful opportunity to develop their organisations and in the process to eradicate poverty in this country. This capability is found in the recently issued (2010) ISO 26000 standard, resulted from a process over a period of nine years. A large number of countries have been involved (majority from developing countries) in this process. The authorities remark that ‘the standard is good enough to help meet challenges of a changing world’. At the moment local companies are engaged in doing charity work using the term ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ but much more benefits can be gained from this unique standard which functions as a guidance standard, not a certifiable standard. This is one of the opportunities available for leaders in this country specially the business leaders to change this country in to a paradise and make a contribution towards a paradigm shift in the world as well.

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