Myths and double standards of the GMO biotech sector
Evidence is
mounting of risk and harm from GM foods and crops to health and the
environment while the industry continues its campaign to promote GM
By Colin Todhunter
The GMO biotech sector is involved in a multi-pronged campaign to
influence governments and the public about the benefits of its products.
It uses various means.
It sets up or infiltrates institutions and co-opts prominent
political and scientific figures to do its bidding. It hijacks
regulatory and policy making bodies. With help from the US Government,
it assumes strategic importance in international trade negotiations and
is then able to set a policy and research agenda, as has been the case
in India with the Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture and the funding of
agricultural research within the country. It is shaping “free” trade
agreements to its own advantage . It mounts personal attacks on and
tries to discredit key scientists who question its claims. And it
arguably regards contamination as a means of trying to eventually render
the whole debate about GMOS meaningless.
With its huge financial resources and the full backing of the US
State Department, the sector is a formidable force.
However, despite all its wealth and influence, it is turning out to
be a bad week for the GMO biotech industry. When is good science bad
science and bad science good science?
In 2012, a study led by Professor Gilles Seralini called into
question the safety of GMOs and Round Up herbicide. The paper that
conveyed the results was last year retracted by a prestigious scientific
journal. The publisher of Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT), Elsevier,
has now compelled the journal editor A. Wallace Hayes to publish a right
of reply by the Séralini team.
According to the Séralini team, the editor of FCT uses double
standards when it comes to publishing in favour of the industry. Hayes
retracted the study despite the fact that he found neither fraud nor
conscious misinterpretation. In a new article published in FCT, the
scientists explain why they do not accept his conclusion. They denounce
the lack of scientific validity of the reasons given for the retraction,
explain why the Sprague-Dawley rat strain used is appropriate and
describe the statistical results in depth concerning the blood and urine
parameters affected, proving that the liver and kidney pathologies and
the mammary tumours are solidly based.
Hayes justified his retraction by arguing that it is impossible to
conclude a link between GMO and cancer, even though the word cancer was
never used in the paper. Not all the tumours were cancers but they
nevertheless brought death through internal haemorrhages and
compressions of vital organs. Hayes also argued that ten rats per group,
of the Sprague-Dawley strain, did not allow the level of statistical
strength to conclude about the toxicity of the GMO and Roundup. But FCT
has published two studies (Hammond and al., 2004; and Zhang and al.,
2014) measuring the same number of rats of the same strain, without
calling into question the strength of the statistics, let alone their
conclusion – that the GMOs tested were safe.
Double standards
The recent study by Zhang et al, like the study by Séralini et al,
measures the potential chronic effects of the consumption of a GMO
(transgenic rice producing a modified Bt insecticide). It uses the same
strain and measures the same number of rats. The only substantive
difference was in the results: Zhang and colleagues concluded that the
GMO under test was safe.
Professor Séralini says:
“We are forced to conclude that the decision to withdraw our paper
was based on unscientific double standards applied by the editor. These
double standards can only be explained by pressure from the GMO and
agrochemical industry to force acceptance of GMOs and Roundup. The most
flagrant illustration is the appointment of Richard Goodman, a former
Monsanto employee, onto the FCT editorial board, soon after the
publication of the NK603 study. Worse, this pro-industry bias also
affects regulatory authorities, such as EFSA (European Food Safety
Authority), which gives favourable opinions on risky products based on
mediocre studies commissioned by the companies wishing to commercialize
the products, as well as systematically dismissing the findings of
independent scientists which cast doubt on their safety.”
Not safe nor needed
On the same day that the Seralini team issued its press release on
the matter (May 19), a new report was released saying that genetically
modified crops and foods are neither safe nor even necessary to feed the
The second edition of GMO Myths and Truths, co-authored by genetic
engineers Dr John Fagan and Dr Michael Antoniou and researcher Claire
Robinson, has been published as a free online download by the
sustainability and science policy platform Earth Open Source.
Not needed
John Fagan, one of the report's authors, said:
“The GMO debate is far from being over, as some GMO proponents claim.
Instead the evidence of risk and actual harm from GM foods and crops to
health and the environment has grown in the two years since we brought
out the first edition. The good news is that GMOs are not needed to feed
the world. The report shows that there are far better ways of ensuring a
safe and sustainable food supply.”
The report's main findings are:
1) The report debunks the claims by pro-GMO lobbyists that 1,700
studies show GM foods are as safe. The studies show nothing of the sort.
Many of them not only show evidence of risk, but the review also
excludes or glosses over important scientific controversies over GMO
safety issues.
2) A review purportedly showing that GM foods are safe on the basis
of long-term animal studies actually shows evidence of risk and uses
unscientific double standards to reach a conclusion that is not
justified by the data.
3) A laboratory study in human cells shows that very low levels of
glyphosate (the main chemical ingredient of Roundup herbicide, which
most GM crops are engineered to tolerate) mimicked the hormone estrogen
and stimulated the growth of breast cancer cells. The level of
glyphosate that had this effect was below the level allowed in drinking
water in Europe and far below the level allowed in the USA . It was also
below the level found in GM glyphosate-tolerant soy, which is imported
into Europe for animal feed and human food. If confirmed in animal
studies, this finding would overturn regulatory assumptions of safe
levels of glyphosate.
4) Séralini's study is far stronger and more detailed than many
industry studies that are accepted as proof of safety for GMOs. The
European Food Safety Authority had to reject the study in order to
protect its own previous opinions on this and other GMOs, for reasons
explained in the report. The findings of this study, if confirmed, would
overturn regulatory assumptions of safe levels of glyphosate and
5) Claims that an EU-funded research project shows GMOs are safe are
not evidence-based, since the project did not even test the safety of
any commercialized GMOs. Some animal testing data gathered by the
project actually reveal health risks from the GMOs tested.
6) Claims that Europe is becoming a “museum” of farming because of
its reluctance to embrace GM crops are shown to be nonsensical by
research showing that Europe ‘s mostly non-GM agriculture out-yields the
USA ‘s mostly GM agriculture with less pesticide use. The USA is falling
behind Europe in terms of productivity and sustainability. (pp. 232–233)
7) Risks from an important new type of GMO that is designed to
silence genes are not being properly assessed by regulators. (p. 78)
8) Contrary to claims by GMO proponents , the real reason GM golden
rice isn't available has nothing to do with anti-GMO activists and
everything to do with basic research and development problems.
9) Conventional breeding continues to outstrip GM in delivering crops
that yield well, resist disease, are nutritious and tolerate drought and
other types of extreme weather.
10) Crop genetics are only part of the solution to our food and
agriculture challenges. The other part is agro-ecological farming
methods that build soil and focus on growing a diversity of naturally
healthy and resilient crops.
Author Michael Antoniou said:
Health effects
“There is evidence that Roundup, even at the low levels permitted in
food and drinking water, could lead to serious effects on health over
time, such as liver and kidney toxicity. Based on this evidence, it
appears that the levels of exposure currently held as safe by regulators
around the world are questionable.”
Author Claire Robinson said:
“The GMO industry is built on myths. What is the motivation behind
the deception? Money. GM crops and foods are easy to patent and are an
important tool in the global consolidation of the seed and food industry
into the hands of a few big companies. We all have to eat, so selling
patented GM seed and the chemicals they are grown with is a lucrative
business model. GMO Myths and Truths offers a one-stop resource for the
public, campaigners, policy-makers, and scientists opposing the GMO
industry's attempts to control our food supply and shut down scientific
and public debate.”
The report's authors are not alone in doubting the safety of GMOs. In
late 2013, nearly 300 scientists and legal experts signed a statement
affirming that there was “No scientific consensus on GMO safety.”
It all raises the question: if there is no consensus, and there
clearly is not, if double standards exist, and they certainly do, then
why are we, the public, and for that matter the environment, being used
as guinea pigs in a massive experiment?
We know why. It is an agenda that is based on arm-twisting,
deception, false promises , duplicity and flawed science to benefit the
bottom line of a handful of commercial enterprises and the wider
geo-political aim of controlling the planet's food supply.
– Third World
Network Features. |