Partnership for food security:
Global food security needs states to ally with family farmers
By Sylvia Kay
South Africa's most famous cleric, Desmond Tutu, in his inimitable
style, once said, "If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse,
and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your
His blunt speaking has particular relevance to important negotiations
taking place in Rome this week at the United Nations Committee on World
Food Security, which will define principles for "responsible
agricultural investment" (known as RAI) in the context of an ongoing
food crisis and an unprecedented wave of land grabbing.
When it comes to agriculture and food, the elephant is agribusiness.
Just three companies control 50% of the commercial seed market; only
four companies control 75% of the global trade in grains and soya.
Their argument is that the state's role should be that of a neutral
broker, encouraging primarily private investment in agriculture.
They are willing to accept guidelines for "responsible investment,"
but within a model that sees ever increasing levels of foreign direct
investment and the deepening and further integration of national
agricultural sectors into global commodity chains and markets.
Theirs is essentially a business-as-usual approach which seeks to
retrofit the RAI principles to existing agribusiness initiatives.
While such principles will boost the profits of some corporations,
the evidence shows that it will not deliver on the CFS mandate to
realise the right to adequate food for all. One in eight people in the
world are currently undernourished - and this has worsened in recent
years. In fact, reliance on global markets led to global food prices in
2007 rising to levels in real terms not witnessed since 1846. This has
not only added between 130 to 150 million people to those living in
extreme poverty, it has also fueled an unprecedented wave of land
grabbing across the global South by governments seeking security from
food riots and corporations seeking profits from perceived scarcity. The
mice in this case are the small-holder farmers who often had their land
seized or appropriated. But they are not just victims; they also provide
the most progressive solutions for food security.
There are an estimated 500 million smallholder farms in the
developing world which provide livelihoods for two billion people and
produce about 80% of the food consumed in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
It is these small farmers who truly contribute to global food security.
Any international negotiation that looks at "responsible agricultural
investment" should start with how to support rather than dispossess
these small-scale food producers.
A report by Transnational Institute, "Reclaiming Agricultural
Investment", recently studied working alternatives of state-peasant
collaboration from Brazil to Ghana, the United States to Thailand. The
studies show that when the state sets the right policies and provides
investment in support of small-scale food producers, it can have
remarkable results.
Brazil's Zero Hunger programme, which combines elements of public
health, nutrition, social protection, education, and livelihood
promotion, has been one of the major factors behind the country's
impressive improvement in the standard of living over the past decade.
The Zero Hunger programme successfully opened up new markets for
smallholder farmers and championed national food security. Under the
School Meals programme for example, each Brazilian municipality receives
a daily subsidy for each student with the requirement that 70% of the
municipalities' procurements should be staple, non-processed foods, with
30% of the food coming from local family farms.
Government support for sustainable, agro-ecological farming
techniques, practiced by small farmers, can also reduce the impact of
agriculture on the environment and climate. Indian government support
for the system of sustainable rice intensification (SRI), which involves
the use of organic fertiliser and a diversified set of agro-ecological
practices, has led record yields. Despite this, SRI has been ignored by
the conventional rice research establishment and the private R&D
industry, as it threatens the interests of agribusiness suppliers. It is
often presumed that state support for small-scale food producers entails
higher prices and costs for consumers. However, using public policy
tools in a flexible manner can ensure that both groups benefit. Some of
the most effective strategies for dealing with the food crisis, for
instance, have involved the use of public stocks and the setting of
minimum farm prices for producers and maximum consumer prices for key
staple commodities.
In Indonesia, these measures ensured that the price of rice actually
decreased in 2008 while it was escalating in neighbouring countries.
Business as usual is not an option. It is time for states to end a
false neutrality and take sides. Instead of investing in a model which
is at its core anti-democratic and likely to further entrench a state of
"agropoly" in which a handful of the largest processors, traders, and
retailers control the world food system, governments should commit to
RAI principles that strengthen the position of the world's family
farmers and advance the cause of food sovereignty.
- Third World Network Features.