High growth continues in hotels and restaurants:
Tourism earnings hit US$ 1.7 billion
by Uditha Kumarasinghe
The hotels and restaurants sub sector has continued its high growth
trajectory by achieving 22.3 percent growth in 2013, compared to 20.2
percent in 2012.
According to the Annual Report 2013 issued by the Central Bank of Sri
Lanka, the sub sector has performed commendably to attract over 1.27
million tourists during the year recording a 26.7 percent, year-on-year
growth, increasing tourism earnings to US$ 1.7 billion.
The growth surpassed the achievements in 2012 for the second
consecutive year despite the unfavourable global environment. These
arrivals had exceeded the United Nation’s World Tourist Organisation’s (UNWTO)
tourist growth estimate of six percent for the Asia Pacific Region and
the five percent growth for the entire world.
The report said the coordinated efforts of the relevant authorities
spearheaded by the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) to
attract outbound tourists from non-conventional markets reflected an
increase in the number of tourist arrivals from China and Eastern
Even though, the industry has strong potential in the country, the
continuity of the growth momentum is heavily dependent on the industry’s
ability to cater to the emerging trends in the tourism industry. As a
country with a large number of attractions in natural and cultural
resources, Sri Lanka will be further promoted as a niche destination for
eco-tourism which encourages more local participation and is more
sustainable in the long run than conventional mass tourism.
The rising income of the middle class populace of India and China
coupled with Sri Lanka’s close proximity to those regions should also be
capitalised. The recently concluded CHOGM also provided a rare
opportunity for Sri Lanka to reposition itself as a key tourist