Health education, the main focus to control Dengue epidemic
by Uditha Kumarasinghe
Senior Minister for Scientific Affairs Prof. Tissa Vitarana said that
health education should be the main focus to control the Dengue epidemic
and there should be a more sensible approach to combat it.
“I have been doing research on Dengue and I have been a member of the
WHO Dengue Task Force since it was set up and also participated in the
program to control Dengue throughout the world.”
As such, I have the expertise in this area. If my opinion is sought
at any time, I am ready to offer it,” the Minister told the Sunday
Observer yesterday.
Prof. Vitarana said what is being done at present is going ahead with
spraying Malathine and using Temephos which is a chemical to be put into
water to destroy Dengue breeding grounds.
Malathine spraying has not been proven to be successful in
controlling Dengue anywhere in the world. However, it is being pursued
in our country and the result is that a false sense of complacency is
created among people. It is felt that the Dengue problem could be solved
by spraying Malathine.
These are some of the reasons as to why we have been unable to
control Dengue. “I hope that there will be a more sensible approach in
the days ahead. What is most important on the part of the people is not
to permit breeding sites by discarding containers where rain water
collects”, he said.
“I have also headed a committee appointed by former Health Minister
Nimal Siripala de Silva and studied the reports on the use of the Cuban
BTI not only in Cuba but also in several other countries. The reports
were favourable. Therefore, our committee unanimously recommended that
the Cuban BTI should be used while Cuba also offered to give the first
batch free. We should get rid of Dengue mosquito breeding in areas where
the receptacles cannot be disposed off”. He regretted that those
measures had not been properly implemented. |