Current political trend signals harmony among communities - M.A.Sumanthiran MP
by P.Krishnaswamy
Tamil National Alliance (TNA) frontliner M.A.Sumanthiran MP in an
exclusive interview with the Sunday Observer spelt out the TNA’s needs -
their stance with regard to a lasting solution to the Tamil problem, the
immediate measures that they have insisted over the livelihood and
rehabilitation of the conflict-affected Tamils, the current controversy
over the post of Chief Minister (CM) of the Eastern Provincial Council
(PC) and the Government’s measures to implement the 13th Amendment to
the Constitution in full.
He said that the Maithripala administration which the Tamils
exuberantly supported has already initiated measures to resolve their
outstanding issues and expressed optimism that the current political
trend signals harmony and mutual understanding among the different
communities in the country.
Excerpts of the interview:
Q: Do you believe that the overwhelming support that the
Tamils of the North and East, represented by the TNA, and also the
Muslims gave to elect the new government to power signals harmony and
mutual understanding among the different communities of the country?
A: Yes, the signal is good because the election was won by
Mailtripala Sirisena from the votes given by all communities. He is is
widely accepted by the people.
This is a significant achievement. Whereas the former president
obtained votes , even according to his own confessions, from only one
The signal is also good for all outstanding political issues to be
resolved because all communities have come together now.
Q: What specific issues has the TNA already taken up with the
A: For the moment we have taken up the issue of resettlement
of our people. They are unable to resettle in their own lands because
the lands that have been taken away from them have not been released to
them. The new government has undertaken to release all lands that do not
hinder national security. Most of the lands that have been taken over
particularly in the North and in some parts of the East have nothing to
do with national security.
They have been taken over for the military to build hotels, to farm
and for entertainment, for golf courses and other such purposes.
This is a very serious issue because these people have been living on
those lands for generations. These lands must be given back to them.
But the Government can retain camps and other military installations
that are necessary on account of national security. All other lands must
be returned. That is the understanding between the TNA and the
We also requested the Government to release political prisoners,
persons who have been in detention over a long period of time. While
those who fought in the last stages of the war, who took to arms and
fought in the war fronts have been released.
They have been rehabilitated and released in two years. Whereas those
who were arrested long before that, not for fighting in the war front
but for helping, for giving food parcels to the LTTE because they had no
other choice, were arrested and detained. They are languishing in
prisons for so long.
The Government has given us an undertaking that their release will be
The other issue is, of course, the Provincial Council set up and the
administrative arrangement in relation to it.
We want the PC to function properly in terms of the law. Such a
function was blocked in the past. We took up that issue and the
Government has already taken some steps to redress the state, including
the appointment of the new Governor and appointment of a new Secretary.
Some changes in administrative arrangements have also been taken and
these are welcome signs.
The fourth issue is the long-term political solution which is not an
immediate concern. But we have asked the Government that it should take
some initial steps on that issue within these 100 days so that when the
new Parliament convenes, substantial work would have been done to be
followed up with the formal consultative process.
We have agreed with President Maithripala Sirisena that the long-term
solution to the Tamil problem cannot be taken up for discussion now,
within the 100 days.
All preliminary work must be done now . I am sure that the Government
is keen on doing that .
Q: You want to go for a negotiated settlement?
A: Negotiated process in the sense, there exist several
proposals made by successive governments and the different Presidents.
We need not go over them once again. We have an agreement with President
Rajapaksa that the five identified documents would be the basis of any
future bilateral talks.
He agreed to it but after agreeing he went back on that and called
off the bilateral talks. Without starting from scratch, we can use those
proposals which emerged in the country - proposals that came from the
government from time to time between 1993 and 2006. We can use those
processes and documents and arrive at a solution, within the framework
of what has been suggested in those proposals.
Q: Do those documents include proposals on federalism?
A: When we talked to the Rajapaksa government we did not use
any contentious words. We would like a Constitution that does not label
itself either as a unitary Constitution or as a federal Constitution.
The important thing is not the label but what is in it.
There must be a substantial power sharing arrangement - not a fake
one, not something that is useless, not workable. But a genuine,
workable power sharing arrangement and that is what we have asked for.
It does not have to be called ‘federal’, unitary or anything of that
Q: Will you get the support of all parties represented in
A: Definitely. We will get the support of everybody because
our proposal is not an unjust or unreasonable one. It is a very
reasonable proposal. It will be based on the documents that I referred
to which had emerged from the government side.
So I do not see any reasons why anybody should have any problems
relating to them. We are willing to settle it on the basis of the
documents submitted by the government.
Q: What specifically do you want in relation to the Northern
A: The present arrangement in relation to the Northern PC
shows that the law has not been implemented in full. The 13th Amendment
has not been implemented in full . That perhaps should have been the
first step. Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa gave the assurances that
he would not only fully implement it but also go beyond that to make
devolution meaningful.
The first step is you must implement what is on paper. At the same
time we can discuss and look at what is on paper and make it a
meaningful power sharing arrangement. For instance, the Governor is a
chief executive officer possessing executive powers.
This means that there is no power devolution. The governor is
appointed by the president and holds powers during the tenure of the
president. The President in the centre nominates him and gives powers
and says I have devolved powers. That is no devolution. Practically it
is the President who is exercising power through the governor.
We want that radically changed so that power is actually given to a
body or people who have been elected by the people. That is the
arrangement that we will seek to go beyond the 13th Amendment and make
it meaningful.
Q: Your comments on media reports that there are contentions
over the Chief Minister’s post in the Eastern PC?
A: In 2012 when they held the eastern PC election, we
contested against the UPFA government. The UNP contested against the
UPFA government. The SLMC which had joined the UPFA government in the
centre also got out and campaigned separately and attacked the UPFA.
They were more vociferous attackers even than the UNP and the TNA.
When the results came the TNA had won 11 seats. With a small margin the
UPFA government had got more votes, they got 12 seats. They also got two
bonus seats. Wimal Weerawansa’s National Freedom Front (NFA) had one
seat. Altogether that made 15 seats for the government. We had 11 seats
and the UNP which had four seats also gave their support to us. We had
15 seats. So on one side was the UPFA that had 15 seats and on the other
side was the TNA that also had 15 seats. In this situation, the SLMC had
seven seats which they got by campaigning against the government. So,
naturally, they were anti-government seats.
We suggested that the SLMC, UNP and the TNA together form the
administration and, even without being asked, we offered the SLMC the
CM’s post. But for some reason they did not accept that but instead they
went and met the President.
They made some deals and they supported the UPFA government in the
province. Consequently a Muslim was made the CM and the SLMC shared the
portfolios etc.
At that stage, no Tamil was accommodated either in the cabinet or as
a chairman or vice chairman of the council. All seven places were given
to the SLMC and to the central government nominees.
Nobody thought that the Tamils who are largest majority in the East
will be sitting in the opposition. The situation now is entirely
different. The UPFA lost its majority there because Rishad Bathuideen’s
All Ceylon Muslim Congress (ACMC) walked out. Another councillor,
Pathirana, also left. Again the SLMC got out of the UPFA and supported
Maitripala Sirisena. In this scenario, we calculated the number of seats
each party has as of now. We have eleven.
The UPFA has 10. The SLMC has eight and UNP has four seats. So since
we are having the largest number of seats at present and since we were
not accommodated in the Board of Ministers , we negotiated with the SLMC.
But they insist on the CM’s post for reasons known only to them. All
these days they supported a Muslim CM. Now too they are asking the CM’s
We said no because it is unfair by our people and we are entitled to
that post. The SLMC is not reacting positively to that. They have taken
cabinet posts in the central government as well. The whole devolution
arrangement came about because of the Tamils’ agitations and not due to
anybody else’s. Yet they are still unable to be part of the
The SLMC even prefers joining the previous UPFA and forming the
administration to leave us completely out. We think it is very
unfortunate and very unfair.
Q: Some other Muslim leaders wanted to join the TNA in the
A: We can talk to Rishad and others. But since the SLMC has
the largest mandate we thought it is proper to talk to them first and we
did it.
Q: Is there any divide within the TNA over the 100 day program
of the Government?
A: So far nobody has told us anything to that effect. We have
discussed it in our leadership group and in our parliamentary group .
Nobody told us that they have any reservations over the 100 day program
of the government. They are fully backing it.
Q: There was some controversy over PM Ranil Wickramasinghe’s
statement to the NDTV channel over power devolution. Can you please
A: The PM said that devolution will now be available under the
13thAmendment which the previous government was blocking. But we have
told everybody very clearly that the full implementation of the 13th
Amendment is no lasting solution. By and large the PM’s message is that
he will allow the PCs to work independently, taking over the provincial
administration powers.
We also requested the Government to release all political prisoners,
persons who have been in detention for a long, long time . While those
who fought in the last stages of the war, who actually took to arms and
fought in the war fronts have already been released. They have been
rehabilitated and released in two years.
Whereas those who were arrested much prior to that not for fighting
in the war front but for helping, for giving food parcels to the LTTE
because they had no other choice, were arrested and detained. They are
languishing in prisons for so long. The government has given us an
undertaking that their release will be expedited.
The other issue is, of course, the PC set up and the administrative
arrangement in relation to it. We want the PC to function properly in
terms of the law. Such a function was blocked in the past. We took up
that issue and the government has already taken some steps towards
redressing the state , including the appointment of the new Governor ,
appointment of a new Secretary etc. Some changes towards the
administrative arrangements have also been taken and these are welcome
signs. The fourth issue is the long-term political solution.
That does not come within the immediate concern. But we have asked
the Government to take initial steps on that issue within these 100 days
so that thereafter when the new Parliament convenes substantial work
would have been done to be followed up with the formal consultative
We have agreed with the President that the long-term solution to the
Tamil problem cannot be taken up for discussion now, within the 100m
days . But all preliminary work must be done now. I am sure that the
Government is keen on doing that.
Q: You want to go for a negotiated settlement ?
A: Negotiated process in the sense, there exists several
proposals made by successive governments and the different Presidents.
We need not go over them once again. We have an agreement with President
Rajapaksa that those documents, five identified documents would be the
basis of any future bilateral talks.
He agreed to it but after agreeing he went back on that and called
off the bilateral talks. Without starting from scratch we can use those
proposals which emerged within the country - proposals that came from
the government from time to time between 1993 and 2006 . we can use
those processes and documents and arrive at a solution, within the
framework of what has been suggested in those proposals.
Q: Do those documents include proposals on federalism ?
A: When we talked to the Rajapaksa government we did not use
any contentious words. We would like a Constitution that does not label
itself either as a unitary or as federal. The important thing is not the
label but what is in it.
There must be a substantial power sharing arrangement - not a fake
one, not something
Q: Will you get the support of all parties represented in
A: Definitely. We will get the support of everybody because
our proposal is not an unjust or unreasonable one. It is a reasonable
proposal. It will be based on the documents that I referred to which had
emerged from the government side.
I do not see any reason why anybody should have any problems relating
to them. We are willing to settle it on the basis of the documents
submitted by the Government.
Q: What do you want specifically in relation to the Northern
A: The present arrangement in the Northern PC shows that the
law has not been implemented in full. The 13th Amendment has not been
implemented in full . That perhaps should have been the first step.
Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa gave the assurances that he would
not only fully implement it but also go beyond that to make devolution
meaningful. The first step is you must implement what is on paper. At
the same time we can discuss and look at what is on paper and make it a
meaningful power sharing arrangement.
For instance, the Governor is a chief executive officer possessing
executive powers.This means that there is no power devolution. The
governor is appointed by the President and holds powers during his
The President in the centre nominates him and gives powers and says I
have devolved powers. That is no devolution. Practically it is the
President who is exercising power through the governor. We want that
radically changed so that power is actually given to a body or people
who have been elected by the people. So that is the arrangement that we
will seek to go beyond the 13 th Amendment and make it meaningful.
Q: Your comments on media reports that there are contentions
over the Chief Minister’s post in the Eastern PC ?
A: In 2012 when they held the eastern PC election, we c and
the UNP contested against the UPFA government. The SLMC which had joined
the UPFA government in the centre also got out and campaigned separately
and attacked the UPFA. They were more vociferous than the UNP and the
When the results came the TNA had won 11 seats. With a small margin
the UPFA government had got more votes, they got 12 seats.
They also got two bonus seats. Wimal Weerawansa’s National Freedom
Front (NFA) had one seat. Altogether that made 15 seats for the
Government. We had 11 seats and the UNP which had four seats also gave
their support to us. We had 15 seats. So on one side was the UPFA that
had 15 seats and on the other side was the TNA that also had 15 seats.
In this situation, the SLMC had seven seats which they got by
campaigning against the government. Naturally, they were anti-government
seats. We suggested that the SLMC, UNP and the TNA together form the
administration and even without being asked, we offered the SLMC the
CM’s post.
But for some reason they did not accept that but instead they met the
President. They made some deals and they supported the UPFA government
in the province. Consequently a Muslim was made the CM and the SLMC
shared the portfolios. At that stage, no Tamil was accommodated either
in the cabinet or as a chairman or vice chairman of the council.
All seven places were given to the SLMC and to the central government
nominees. Nobody thought that the Tamils who are the largest majority in
the East will be sitting in the opposition.
The situation is different now. The UPFA lost its majority there
because Rishad Bathuideen’s All Ceylon Muslim Congress (ACMC) walked
out. Another councillor, Pathirana, also left. Again the SLMC got out of
the UPFA and supported Maitripala Sirisena.
In this scenario, we calculated the number of seats each party has as
of now. We have eleven. The UPFA has 10. The SLMC has eight and UNP has
four. Since we have the largest number of seats at present and since we
were not accommodated in the Board of Ministers , we negotiated with the
SLMC. But they insist on the CM’s post for reasons known only to them.
All these days they supported a Muslim CM. Now too they are asking
the CM’s post. We said no, because it is unfair by our people and we are
entitled to that post. The SLMC is not reacting positively to that. They
have taken cabinet posts in the central government as well.
The devolution arrangement came about because of the Tamils’
agitations and not due to anybody else’s. Yet they are still unable to
be part of the administration.
The SLMC even prefers joining the previous UPFA and forming the
administration to leave us completely out. We think it is unfortunate
and unfair.
Q: Some other Muslim leaders wanted to join the TNA in the
A: We can talk to Rishad and others. But since the SLMC has
the largest mandate we thought it is proper to talk to them first and we
did it.
Q: Is there any divide within the TNA over the 100 day program
of the Government?
A: So far nobody has told us anything to that effect. We have
discussed it in our leadership group and in our parliamentary group .
Nobody told us that they have any reservations over the 100 day program
of the Government. They are fully backing it.
Q: There was some controversy over PM Ranil Wickramasinghe’s
statement to the NDTV channel over power devolution. Can you please
clarify ?
A: The PM said that devolution will now be given under the
13th Amendment which the previous government was blocking. But we have
clearly said that the full implementation of the 13th Amendment is no
lasting solution. The PM’s message is that he will allow the PCs to work
independently, taking over provincial administration powers.
Q: Will the TNA support the 17th Amendment and the 19th
Amendment to the constitution?.
A: We support the 17th Amendment and the 19th Amendment is
still in the draft.When it does come, we will support it.
Q: According to reports, some Northern PC Ministers are
formulating extensive plans to provide employment opportunities and
livelihood assistance to deserving families. Will there be funding from
the diaspora community for such programs?
A: I do not think funding will be a problem from the
Government and other sources, if proper work is done to help the
deserving families. There is enough funding provided that we do the work
Q: Your comments on the appointment of Mr.Palihakkara as the
Governor of the Northern province replacing the military governor?
A: It is a welcome change. The present government is keeping
its promise and has taken away the military governor. Secondly, Mr.
Palihakkara is well known as an upright man. We believe that the CM will
be able to work cordially with him and the Governor will not block
anything the CM wants instead will facilitate such initiatives.
Q: The government, according to media reports, has requested
the TNA to submit a list of persons in detention to initiate their
release. Is such a list available with you ?
A: We have the old list but it has to be updated now. We are
doing it now.
Q: The fishermen’s cross border issue between India and Sri
Lanka remains unresolved to the detriment of the Northern fishermen?
A: Crossing the border is not the main issue. It is the method
of fishing. We held talks with the Government of India on this.
They agreed that the method must be banned. But boats of Indian
fishermen have to be re-modelled for deep sea fishing. About six months
to one year is required to that conversion. We should give them time and
then bring legislation banning bottom trawling. We have asked them to
give our fishermen the expertise ,the equipment and the basic knowledge
on deep sea fishing. |