Favourable tax system vital to boost investment - IMF Resident
Sri Lanka is positioned in one of the most
dynamic regions of the world. Fiscal consolidation has been an
important contributor to macroeconomic stability and investor
confidence, International Monetary Fund Resident Representative for
Sri Lanka and the Maldives,
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Apparel industry will maintain growth momentum
Sri Lanka’s apparel industry has shown
continuous growth over the years, Joint Apparel Association Forum,
General Secretary Tuly Cooray told Sunday Observer Business. An
export centric agenda and a favourable policy framework will pave
the way for the apparel industry to maintain the growth momentum
while retaining the number one slot in export revenue generation,
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Trade with EU to be enhanced
Sri Lanka's trade with the EU, the country's
largest export market, crossed the $3.2 billion mark in 2014. “The
Department of Commerce, The Delegation of the European Union in
Colombo and the International Trade Centre (ITC) in Geneva are
formulating a trade-related capacity building project,
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Richest 1 percent will own half of world's wealth by 2016 -
More than half the world's wealth will be owned
by the richest one percent of the population by next year as global
inequality soars, according to a new report from Oxfam. In a report
released ahead of the World Economic forum in Davos, Switzerland,
Oxfam said the top tier had seen their share of wealth increase from
44 percent in 2009 to 48 percent in 2014.
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NDBIB records noteworthy performance in 2014
NDB Investment Bank (NDBIB) recorded a
successful year during 2014, reaping dividends of the Group’s
full-service investment banking model. The unique combination of
investment banking, wealth management and stock brokering services
with the newly introduced private equity arm which are all organized
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