IPS workshop on Low Carbon Technology Renovation
The Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka (IPS) recently held a
multi-stakeholder workshop on Low Carbon Technology Renovation and
Climate Technology Centre Network (CTCN) at the IPS premises in Colombo.
The event was conducted as a part of a study carried out to evaluate
the progress and identify follow-up action to the country study on the
Technology Need Assessment (TNA) in Sri Lanka.
The study was conducted with the Institute for Global Environmental
Strategies (IGES), Japan in cooperation with the Climate Change
Secretariat of the Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy.
The initiative was funded by the Ministry of Environment of Japan.
The objectives of the workshop were to identify short-listed
technologies in the context of its application and the potential to
promote low carbon technology development in Sri Lanka, raising
awareness and the opportunities provided by the CTCN to follow-up the
findings of the TNA and provide a platform to discuss and identify
specific technical assistance from Japan.
Director, Climate Change Secretariat, Dr. R.D.S. Jayatunge said, "The
TNA focused on technologies that support Sri Lanka's economic
development in a sustainable manner in line with the National
Development Policy Framework of Sri Lanka and the vulnerability to
climate change."
"Through a comprehensive practice, we identified and prioritised
eight sectors, five sectors for adaptation as food security, water,
coastal, health and bio-diversity and three sectors for control and
energy industry and transport," he said.
The workshop focused on Japanese technology, challenges faced in the
deployment of technology, overcoming challenges and raising awareness
and applying the draft CTCN forms to be discussed further at a workshop
in Bangkok in February.
Senior Researcher, IGES, Dr. D.G.J. Premakumara, Researcher IGES,
Climate and Energy area, Madoka Yoshino, representatives from State and
private sectors, civil society and academia were also present. |