Air travel growth stalling - IATA
Growth in international air passengers rose 3.6% in November compared
to a year ago, showing no improvement in October's performance (a 3.7%
Consistent with weakening global business conditions, these results
suggest that growth in international air travel is stalling.
International air travel volumes indicate a flattening in the growth
trend in economy and premium passenger numbers over the recent past.
This development reflects a gradual slowdown in improvements in
business confidence throughout H2, 2014, with economic conditions in the
Eurozone and China deteriorating;
Nonetheless, travel within Europe performed well overall in November
with a 4.9% rise compared to a year ago. Much of that growth, however,
took place in economy class travel (up 5.2%), partly driven by business
travellers substituting away from premium seats (up 0.9%) as a means of
cost cutting.
Stronger growth in total international travel was inhibited by other
markets where expansion remained robust but below trend. Examples
include international travel on Europe - Far East, Europe - Middle East
and Middle East - Far East. |