Beeda and Babul sales flourish near schools - Health Ministry
by Carol Aloysius
The Health Ministry has cautioned adults and schoolchildren to
refrain from buying babul, beeda, commercially produced tobacco and
arecanut products as they are additive and had a serious health impact.
“Many of these products are sold outside the school premises by street
vendors. Adolescents are a high-risk target.
If consumed regularly they can cause oral cancer, Deputy Director
Health Education Bureau, Dr. Mrs. R.D.F.C. Kanthi told the Sunday
Observer. She said that there was an increasing number of adults and
young people going to government hospitals for oral diseases caused by
consuming these products.
“Our advice is to stop consuming these products immediately”, she
Dental caries among schoolchildren were still widely prevalent.
“Eating high sugar-based food and carbonated drinks are the main cause
for this,” she said.
She called upon parents to use the oral health services provided by
the Health Ministry which are manned by dental consultants. “If their
child has a dental problem they can get him or her examined at our
special dental clinics which we hold especially for schoolchildren every
Saturday morning,” she said.