A brave new State media?
The changes in leadership that
the country's public-owned news media institutions undergo along with
changes in government is now so automatic that it is almost a hallowed
In one venerable public-owned institution, for example, there is a
permanent 'consultants' room' where, come regime change, politically
appointed senior media managers of the ancient regime are put into cold
storage on being displaced in their posts by the political appointees of
the new regime. Sometimes, media executives who had been hibernating in
the consultants' room are rehabilitated and march out to resume their
former or new positions while those displaced troop into that room to
sit out the tenure of the new regime.
The bulk of the staff in these institutions, however, remain in their
work stations, resigned to continuing the same kind of sycophancy and
propaganda-style news production in lieu of the professional journalism
that they would like to do. Incoming managers, in the past, have tended
follow the now traditional policy of pro-Government and
anti-Opposition propaganda, promotion of political personalities and
even dis-information to divert public attention from governmental
failures and mis-rule.
This insidious 'tradition', hopefully, has been broken by the
historic political change that occurred with the presidential election
on January 8. Whether the new political environment will remain
conducive to substantive and enduring change in the public-owned mass
media sector remains to be seen and, depends on how current national
political dynamics evolve.
Previously, with regime change, incoming government tended to merely
replace managers with their own trusted spin doctors and continue with
the same old propagandist practices.
The only previous exception to this continuity was in 1994, when, as
a result of public exhaustion over the overbearing propaganda and
authoritarianism of the pre-1994 regime, the incoming Chandrika
Kumaratunga-led government did attempt to fulfill its promise of 'liberalisation'
of the State media.
For a couple of years, the State media did enjoy relatively liberal
management and the public was slightly incredulous at this suddenly
liberal State media behaviour. But the Kumaratunga regime fell prey to
that vital dynamic of competitive democracy, namely, the criticisms of
the political opposition. In addition to the politicians' need for
self-aggrandizement, all governments face the far more important
challenge of a critical Opposition.
A critical and watchful political opposition is an essential pillar
of a normally functioning liberal democracy. With a vociferous
opposition inside and outside Parliament and struggling with the armed
insurgent opposition of the Tamil secessionist movement and
international propaganda by supportive
elements in the Sri Lankan Diaspora, the Kumaratunga regime
instinctively resorted to using the State media in defensive mode as did
all previous regimes. Thus, the State media enjoyed only a short-lived
liberal honeymoon.
This time, however, the political landscape is totally transformed as
never before. Most importantly, there is the broadest ever consensual
government that Sri Lanka has experienced as a modern republic, perhaps,
in this island society's entire history.
There is a nation-wide sense of urgency to repair and recover the
basic structures of the Sri Lankan polity after a decade of very serious
decay and near collapse. Indeed, for those concerned about nationhood,
there is compulsion for rebuilding civilisation.
This consensus and these compulsions alone provide a good basis for
consistency in government policy. Additionally, and more specifically
relevant to the State media is the lack of a coherent and legitimised
political opposition.
The lack of a legitimised Opposition whose criticisms are seen as
valid by powerful vote banks, has reduced the pressure on the regime to
defend itself via the State media (leave aside white vans and other past
repressive tools).
Thus there is an opportunity for the country's news media both
private and public sector to liberally report, criticise, expose and,
most importantly convey the aspirations, grievances and celebrations of
the mass of people and all communities, small or big. This is a precious
moment in our history when the State media can leap beyond the
restraints of political caution, propagandist manipulation and vendetta
and function more responsibly to serve the public.
The country's joint national leadership has the opportunity now to
enable the publicly owned mass media to truly serve the citizenry as a
critical and watchful media. The critical media will hold up a mirror
for the rulers to truly see themselves rather than any 'graven images'
that sycophancy creates and then leads them astray along with the