Sri Lanka-India-China:
Balancing regional power relations
Our relations with China go back to more than a
thousand five hundred years. We do have a deep-rooted relationship
based on trust and mutual interests. In recent times we were one of
the first countries to recognise the Peoples Republic of China. We
supported China's re-entry to the UN,
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Future Economics:
The role of the State in development
When it comes to the role of the State in
development, Sri Lanka has witnessed an extremely sterile debate
that has formulated the question as a choice between the State and
the market. There are champions on both sides, increasingly
encrusted in their ideological positions.
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Nature’s ‘medicine cabinet’ fights bee disease
Floral nectar contains a bouquet of natural
chemicals that may help fight parasite infection in bumble bees, a
study said . The findings throw up clues for helping honey bee
colonies battling mysterious but catastrophic decline.
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