Does life end in death?
All living beings including animals fear death. Most of us think that
life comes to an end with death. In a way, it seems to be so. When you
die, you have to leave your kith and kin and other personal possessions.
No sensible man would like to let go of everything. However, we are
aware that one day or the other we have to make an exit from life’s
The average man knows that he lives or exists. He also knows that
when he dies, he has to leave everything. But has he ever pondered
whether life and death are so simple? Isn’t there anything more to life
and death? Does life really come to an end with death? Buddhists believe
in rebirth. However, rebirth is linked with Karmic forces. If you do
good in this life, your next birth will be trouble free. If you do bad
in this life, be ready to suffer for your sins in your next birth.
Rebirth coupled with Karmic theory is one way of looking at the
problem of life and death. It shows that death does not put an end to
life because there is the afterlife. If you want to be reborn as a rich
man or beautiful woman, you have to perform good deeds without breaking
the moral code.
Almost all Buddhists are aware of the repercussions of immoral deeds
committed in this life. Unfortunately, they do not desist from
committing sins. They kill animals for food. They eliminate their
enemies without any compunction. They rob the State of public funds.
They tell palpable lies and give bogus promises during elections.
Adultery has become a way of life in society. The list of offences that
come under the Penal Code can be endless. The rising trend in crimes
shows only the tip of the iceberg. Man is paying only lip service to
religion and doing things as he pleases.
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi (1207-1273) had a different theory on life
and death. According to him, everything in the universe including man is
part of an endless flow of life. He emphasised that the past is closely
linked to the present and the present to the future in one endless
continuum. His theory came as a novel interpretation of life and death.

I died as a mineral and became a plant, I died as a plant
and rose to animal, I died as animal and was Man.
- Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi |
Rumi, born in Balkh, in a province of Persia was a master of a Sufi
Order. He taught his mystical interpretations of the Qur’an and the
importance of music and dance in religious ceremonies. After his death,
his devoted followers founded the Mawlawi Order of Sufism. Although
Sufism was a mystical and aesthetic interpretation of the Qur’an, it had
not always been accepted by mainstream Islamic scholars.
Rumi believed that he was a medium between God and man. He placed
much emphasis on ritual prayers and soon became popular for his ecstatic
revelations. In a bid to communicate his visions to his followers he
wrote them in verse. His central theory is the idea that the universe
and everything in it is an endless flow of life. He said that God’s
presence was eternal.
Ruimi’ theory of life and death is different from the Buddhist
interpretation. He said a man is a link between the past and future in a
continual process of life, death and rebirth. It was not as a cycle, but
in a progression from one form to another. The process extends to
eternity. Accordingly, when someone dies or ceases to exist, they are
born in another form such as an animal or a tree. The point he made is
that you should not grieve over death because what you lose will come
back in another form.
Even Buddhists believe that there is no use of grieving over death.
The reason is that everything decays; nothing is permanent. While the
Buddhist view of rebirth is linked with Karmic forces, man has an
opportunity to amass merit to lead a better life after death. Rumi also
said that man should strive for spiritual growth. He emphasised the
importance of human-divine relationship. For this he suggested an
emotional approach backed by music, songs and dances. The Sufi dance
represents the spiritual journey of man from ignorance to perfection.
Potent force
Sufism has enriched mainstream Islam to a great extent and it later
became a potent force in the West. Muhammed Iqbal was perhaps his
greatest admirer. He was the adviser to Muhammad Ali Jinnah who founded
the Islamic State of Pakistan in the 1930s. Rumi is a stalwart in modern
philosophy because he presented a novel view of life and death.
Whether you believe in Buddhism or Sufism, there is theoretical
evidence to say that life does not end in death. Therefore, there is no
purpose in grieving over death.