How leather-making originated
Leather-making was a difficult and time-consuming task for tanners of
long ago. People used animal skins for making leather, either from
hunting or from livestock animals.

Eventually, leather-makers refined the process and improved it so
that the leather would remain both strong and flexible over time.
People in ancient civilisations recognised the value of animals and
learned how to use every part of them in many different ways.
Not only did animals provide food, but the remains of their carcasses
also had value. People crafted tools from animal bones and teeth, they
used the hair for sewing and they learned how to use the skins for
shelter and clothing.
Early tanning processes resulted in problems with the leather because
the skins rotted in warm temperatures and they became too stiff in cold
These difficulties necessitated tanning processes to preserve the
leather and make it easier and more pleasant to use. Early tanning
involved working fats into the hides to make them more supple.
A common practice involved slaughtering livestock in the fall to
avoid having to feed them over the winter. After the slaughter, the
farmer would skin the animals to separate the hides. Next, the farmer
would wash the hides in a river or lake to remove the blood and flesh
from the skins.
The skins would soak in the water until it was time to continue the
leather-making process..
The hides would then soak in vats of lime solution to remove the hair
from the skins. After scraping off all of the hair, they would return
the skins to the lime solution for alternate soaking and resting that
lasted approximately six months.
this process, tanners would use tannic acids created from tree barks to
preserve and dye the hides. Sometimes, they added other ingredients such
as cider pressings or sour milk to create the desired finished
effects.This phase of the process took approximately three months. The
finishing process involved working oil or grease into the leather to
make it supple.
Items made from leather
Many different items were and are made from leather. Common items
include saddles, tents, awnings, aprons, pants, sandals, shoes, boots,
moccasins, sacksand bags, hats, belts, and gloves. Additional items such
as buckets, bottles,and even shrouds to bury the dead were also made
from leather.
The importance of leather
In ancient history, people did not have the same variety of materials
available today. Plastics were unavailable and metal was prohibitively
expensive. Pottery and glass broke easily, making them undesired
materials in many situations.
These factors made leather an affordable and accessible choice for
clothing and other necessities. People had animals readily available by
hunting or from livestock. As the tanning process improved, leather
became more conducive to a variety of purposes. People even used it to
make bags for carrying liquids.
Where does leather come from?
You may not have thought it before but the history of leather is a
fascinating area of interest, and this page guides you through the
origins of leather-making, timelines and leather restoration and
The worshipful company of leathersellers

The Worshipful Company of Leathersellers supervised the control of
the quality of mediaeval leather produced in the City of London. They
received their first Chapter of Incorporation in 1444 from King Henry
VI, having been granted articles for the regulation of their craft
during the first Mayoralty of Richard Whittington in 1398.
Through the centuries the Company has played an important role in the
leather industry, particularly in the field of technical education. The
Company founded a technical college in Bermondsey in 1909 and in 1978
donated £500,000 for the erection of the National Leathersellers Centre
at the University College, Northampton. The Company continues to
maintain close links with the college and the industry as a whole and
has recently been involved with the development of new premises for the
Leather Conservation Centre, also located on the University College
Northampton site.
Early leather production
The earliest crude leathers were made by first immersing the raw
hides and skins in a fermenting solution of organic matter in which
bacteria grew and attacked the hides or skins, resulting in a loosening
of the hair or wool and some dissolving out of skin protein. The hair or
wool was then scraped off with primitive blunt stone or wooden scrapers
and fat or meat still adhering to the flesh side was removed in a
similar manner. Tanning, the conversion of pelt into leather, was done
by dusting the rawstock with ground up bark other organic matter and
placing them in shallow pits or vats of tannin solution. Further
additions of ground bark, were made from time to time until the tannin
solution had penetrated right through the skin structure, taking up to
two years for very thick hides.
leather was then hung up for several days in open sheds. The dressing of
the leather involved paring or shaving it to a level thickness,
colouring, treatment with oils and greases, drying and final treatment
of the grain surface with waxes, proteins such as blood and egg
albumins, and shellac to produce attractive surface finishes.
During the middle ages leather was used for all kinds of purposes
such as: footwear, clothes, leather bags, cases and trunks, leather
bottles, saddlery and harness, for the upholstery of chairs, and
couches, book binding and military uses. It was also used to decorate
coaches, sedan chairs and walls. Many leather articles have been
recovered from the Mary Rose a Tudor vessel which sank in 1545.
The majority of the leather was tanned with oak bark but soft
clothing, gloving and footwear leathers were tanned with alum, oil and
combinations of these two materials.
With the discovery and introduction of basic chemicals like lime and
sulphuric acid, tanners gradually abandoned their traditional methods
and leather production slowly became a chemically based series of
processes. Sir Humphrey Davy, the inventor of the miner's safety lamp,
investigated some of these processes.
The growth of industrialisation in the 18th and 19th centuries
created a demand for many new kinds of leathers, eg belting leathers to
drive the machines being introduced into industry, special leathers for
use in looms in the textile industry, leathers for use as diaphragms and
leathers for use in transport and for furniture upholstery. At the
end of the 19th century, the invention of the motorcar, modern roads,
new ranges of coal tar dyestuffs, the demand for softer, lightweight
footwear with a fashionable appearance, and a general rise in the
standard of living created a demand for soft, supple, colourful leather.
The traditional vegetable tanned leather was too hard and thick for
these requirements and thus, the use of the salts of the metal chromium
was adopted and chrome tanning became the tannage for modern footwear
and fashion leathers. It produces soft, supple, beautiful and fine
leathers, reflecting the way we live.
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