Native Tree Planting Project at Hedigalla
Rainforest Protectors of Sri Lanka successfully completed a native
tree planting project at a privately held land in Hedigalla within close
proximity to Roonakanda Rainforest on June 13, 2015. A total of 209
native endemic trees purchased from Roonakanda Conservation Centre were
planted to increase the bio-diversity in the area. Kumbuk trees (Terminalia
arjuna) were planted along the water streams to stop soil erosion and
other native rainforest trees such as Hora (Dipterocarpus zeylanicus),
Pelan (Putranjiva zeylanica) and Wal Del (Artocarpus nobilis) planted to
provide habitat and food for native species. Twelve volunteers from
Rainforest Protectors of Sri Lanka participated in the project, which
was sponsored by Textured Jersey Lanka PLC. Rainforest Protectors of Sri
Lanka is a group of volunteers and sponsors dedicated to protecting Sri
Lanka's last remaining rainforests through conservation, education and
restoration. Visit them at