The enemy combatants
Terrorists can also be journalists, says the Pentagon
by Rowan Scarborough
The Pentagon’s new thick book of instructions for waging war the
legal way says that terrorists also can be journalists.
The description appears in an 1176-paged, richly footnoted
‘Department of Defense Law of War Manual’ that tells commanders the
right and wrong way to kill the enemy. It says it’s OK to shoot,
explode, bomb, stab or cut the enemy. Surprise attacks and killing
retreating troops also are permitted. But a US warrior may not use
poison or asphyxiating gases.
Going back decades, this is the Pentagon’s first comprehensive,
all-in-one legal guide for the four military branches, who over the
years had issued their own law of war pamphlets for air, sea and ground
The manual pushes aside the George W. Bush-era label of ‘unlawful
enemy combatant’ for al Qaeda and the like. The new term of choice:
‘unprivileged belligerent’.
An eye-catching section deals with a definition of journalists and
how they are expected to stay out of the fight.
The manual defines them this way: “In general, journalists are
civilians. However, journalists may be members of the armed forces,
persons authorized to accompany the armed forces or unprivileged
Lumping terrorist writers with bona fide scribes prompted one officer
to call the paragraph ‘odd’. A civilian lawyer who opines on war crime
cases called the wording ?an odd and provocative thing for them to
Michael Rubin, a Middle East expert at the American Enterprise
Institute, said the manual reflects today’s muddled world of journalism.
“It’s a realization that not everyone abides by the same standards we
do,” said Rubin. “Just as Hamas uses United Nations schools as weapons
depots and Iran uses charity workers for surveillance, many terrorist
groups use journalists as cover.”
Rubin recalled that two al Qaeda terrorists posed as journalists to
assassinate anti-Taliban leader Ahmad Shah Massoud. Chechen Islamists
went on missions with camera crews.
“Journalists are the new consultant. Anyone can claim to be one,” he
said. “No American serviceman should ever be killed because a politician
told them they had to take a foreign journalist at his or her word.”
Army Lt. Col. Joseph R. Sowers, a Pentagon Spokesman, explained the
reasoning behind the inclusion of ‘unprivileged belligerents’ as
Journalists, propagandists, spies
In the age of attacks by radical Islamic militants, unprivileged
belligerents most often fall into the category of terrorists. If
captured, they are not entitled to all the rights of a prisoner of war
under the Geneva Conventions, are subject to indefinite detention and
can be tried by a commission or war crimes tribunal instead of a
civilian court.Perhaps the best-known terrorism publication is Inspire
magazine, started by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and its
American-born operative, the late Anwar al-Awlaki.
He viewed the online English language diatribes as a way to recruit
Muslims in the West, just as the Islamic State, also known as ISIL or
ISIS, sees social media as the means to persuade followers to commit
murder in their countries.
“Some people might characterize the persons who put out Inspire
magazine as ‘journalists’, but ‘propagandist’ would be more apt,” Col.
Sowers said. “Members of non-State armed groups, such as al Qaeda, who
also do work that could be characterized as journalism, would continue
to be unprivileged belligerents notwithstanding their work as
journalists. As another example, enemy spies that used journalism as a
cover would likely also be considered unprivileged belligerents if they
are caught while engaged in espionage.”
The Islamic State has taken the idea of a propaganda sheet such as
Inspire and expanded it, times thousands, in waves of social media
blasts on Twitter and elsewhere. The aim is the same: spread propaganda
about the supposed Muslim utopia being built in Syria and Iraq and
recruit terrorists.
A prominent writer for the Islamic State is a British resident who
moved his family to Syria. Last month, he published something of a
travel guide on Iraq and Syria and how the terrorist group will take
care of immigrant fighters as they wage jihad.
“A Brief Guide to the Islamic State [2015]” is written by Abu
Rumaysah al Britani, who in Britain went by the name Siddhartha Dhar,
according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which
provided an analysis of his guide.
The law of war
“If you thought London or New York was cosmopolitan, then wait until
you step foot in the Islamic State, because it screams diversity,” al
Britani wrote of the self-proclaimed country that routinely commits mass
“In my short time here I have met people from absolutely every walk
of life, proof that the Caliphate’s pulling power is strong and
tenacious. The country has also become a magnet for talent.
It has been successful in recruiting skilled professionals that are
crucial for state building. Scholars, judges, preachers, soldiers,
doctors, data analysts, telecommunication experts, economists,
mechanics, chefs, teachers, civil engineers and so on, are just some
examples that I can rattle off the top of my head, and are also real
life examples of people I have physically met.”
There are many rules
The manual, for example, states that the only population that is due
a warning of attack is civilians.
“The law of war does not prohibit the use of surprise to conduct
attacks, such as the use of surprise in ambushes, sniper attacks, air
raids, and attacks by special operations forces carried out behind enemy
lines,” it states, adding that combatants need not offer opponents an
opportunity to surrender before carrying out an attack.”
“As for the shift from unlawful enemy combatant” and to an embrace of
unprivileged belligerents,” Col. Sowers said the change is largely a
stylistic one.
Some view the term ‘unprivileged belligerent’ as more precise from
the perspective of international law than ‘unlawful combatant’ because a
person can be an ?unprivileged belligerent’ without violating the law of
war,” he said.
“Our sense is that ‘unprivileged belligerent’ has been the more
prevalent usage among DoD practitioners recently, so we’ve sought to use
that term rather than unlawful combatant.”
- washingtontimes