Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 26 July 2015





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

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Able B/G Colombo Lawyer mother seeks professionally and academically qualified, well brought up, pleasant daughter for her handsome young looking IT Consultant son, who is an Australian citizen. He was educated in a leading private school in Mt. Lavinia. Age 36 TT/NS. Will inherit substantial assets. Reply with horoscope, full family details and telephone number. E-mail: [email protected]

About 5’6” tall from Colombo and 43 years old loving, caring funloving, gentle open mind established person, looking kind, loving, lovely lady partner for happy joy marriage life no barriers / differences. Telephone - 011 7906624 / Email - [email protected]

Above 5’.0” pretty fair slim well educated daughter around 30 yrs. living in U.K. or willing to migrate for few years is sought by Sinhala Buddhist Colombo parents for their Engineer son U.K. PR holder 34 yrs. 5’10” fair handsome NS/TT well employed in Medical Sector in U.K. He studied in Sri Lanka and BSc/MSc qualified in U.K. Caste religion not considered. Reply Sinhala/English with family details and horoscope. E-Mail: [email protected]

Absolutely pretty educated daughter below 31 sought by Colombo suburbs respectable parents for their Australian resident, academically and professionally qualified son He is in Sri Lanka till end of July, caste and religion immaterial. 0114588296 [email protected]

Academically and professionally qualified fair pretty never married partner below 38 years great personality living in UK or Overseas (willing to migrate to UK) sought by respectable mother for son, never married, migrated to UK at 20, now 44, fair young looking and very smart down to earth with great personality, 5’9”, M.Sc. qualified, freelancing in IT Consultancy in London. Drawing a substantial income very well established. Owning his own house outright and substantial other assets in UK. Please reply with full family details to : [email protected]

Academically and professionally qualified well brought up slim pretty daughter willing to migrate is sought by Buddhist Govi respectable parents in Colombo, for their eldest son Trinitian, 37 years, 5’ 8”, Business Manager in a leading bank in UK (UK citizen). Those who reside in UK will be preferred. Please reply with horoscope. [email protected]

Academically qualified Durawa / Govi Buddhist parents living in Australia seek a slim pretty fair professional daughter height over 5’3” willing to migrate or resident of Australia for their Engineer son 28 years 6’ handsome, smart of excellent character TT/NS brought up with Sri Lankan Buddhist values. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Email : [email protected]

Academically qualified son, 31 handsome IT Consultant in a highly reputed company living with Govi Buddhist parents in North America seek a slim pretty fair daughter residing in USA Canada or willing to Migrate. Please respond with family details. [email protected]

Age 44 5’10” Down South Buddhist Salagama for a recognized Airline in Sri Lanka a senior Aircraft Technician sought a suitable daughter by a teacher mother. Differences immaterial. 0113079892.

An academically qualified pretty daughter sought by Buddhist / Govi Doctor parents in Colombo for their son 32 years 5’8” good looking, handsome, N/S T/T qualified with dual degrees and currently reading for his MBA, educated in leading boys’ school in Colombo, working as a Software Project Manager in leading IT firm in Sri Lanka. Reply with horoscope and family details. Email: [email protected]

An educated and pretty daughter sought by B/G parents for their charming and well mannered Electrical Engineer son, 29 yrs, 5’ 7” living in USA, appreciates Buddhist and cultural values. He inherits properties in USA and Sri Lanka. Please contact with horoscope and family details. Email: [email protected]

An educated, pretty daughter is sought by Sinhalese Christian mother for her son. He is 5’9” and 31 years handsome studied in Colombo and completed Masters in Australia. A non-smoker with an excellent character employed in an IT Company in Melbourne, Australia. Holds PR. Caste, religion immaterial. Email: [email protected]

A bride pretty educated sought by G/B family living in Kotte for their for early marriage 39’ 5’8’’ young, good looking, working at a reputed mercantile organization as senior Manager six figure salary car + other perks inherits a house. [email protected]

A friend seeks a suitable partner for his divorcee school time friend Sinhala Buddhist 44 years height 5’ 8” studied at a leading school in Colombo and graduated in Australia, qualified Accountant holds Australian citizenship and permanently settled in Australia since 1996. A smart gentleman with very good qualities, due in Sri Lanka shortly. Please write with full details including family, education, profession, interests etc. to [email protected] (confidentiality assured).

A graduate daughter, fluent in English well mannered, much younger looking, slim, fair, age below 27 years sought by professional, B/K Colombo parents for their son, aged 29 but looks about 25, fair, handsome, 5’9’’, well mannered TT/NS professionally Electrical & Computer Systems Engineer, graduated with basic degree and masters in NUS Singapore willing to settle in Sri Lanka. Caste immaterial. Kuja 12, Shani 2, Rahu 7. Please reply with family details & horoscope & Contact details in the 1st letter. E-mail: [email protected]

A well mannered pretty educated daughter is sought by Colombo G/B well connected parents for their well brought up academically professionally qualified handsome son 31, N/S, T/T, 5’ 10” employed at a prestigious Airline drawing an attractive salary. He inherits assets. Respond with family details and horoscope. [email protected]

Born in 1982 Sinhala Buddhist well established IT Consultant from a upper middle class family living in western Australia wishes to meet a professional smart Lady from a upper middle class English speaking family. Please contact with Horoscope on [email protected]

Buddhist Deva parents from Colombo suburb seek a daughter for their NS/TT son 28+, 5’7” BA (UK) MBA (UK) working as a senior manager in a prestigious group of companies in Sri Lanka. Malefic horoscope. Caste immaterial. Email: [email protected]

Buddhist Sinhala parents living in Australia seek a kind, slim daughter preferably Doctor or medical student for their son 27 yrs old, 5’8”, handsome Doctor currently consultant training. Caste immaterial. Please reply details and horoscope. [email protected]

Buddhist Wiswakula mother seeks educated and pretty daughter from a respectable family for MBA qualified younger son age 32 years, Senior IT Business Analyst in Australia. Elder brother a University Lecturer in Australia. Please reply with family details and a copy of the horoscope. Email - [email protected]

B/G educated parents from suburbs of Colombo seek an educated bride with means for professionally qualified Accountant son 33 yrs. 5’ 6” working as a Manager in a leading private sector company Shani Kuja 8th house. Email: [email protected]

B/G mix professional parents from Colombo seek qualified pretty fair slim partner for their 27 years, 5’6” handsome NS/TT Engineer son living in Australia. Caste / wealth immaterial. [email protected]

B/G respectable Accountant parents from Gampaha suburbs looking for an educated well-mannered pretty looking daughter for their handsome younger son, M.Sc. qualified in IT field. Presently working in a reputed organization in Colombo as a Manager Information Technology, 28 years, height 5’8”. Reply with all details with horoscope. [email protected]

B/K family living in UK seeks fair, slim, well mannered educated daughter for their son kind, caring T/T N/S 5’9’’, smart handsome 24+ years son. Graduated hospitality management UK University and pursuing postgraduate at University of Derby. He works in London. Reply to [email protected]

B/S parents living in Colombo seek well educated daughter for their 28, 5’10” handsome son holds B.Eng. B.Com and Masters. He is working as a Consultant in leading Consulting Company in Australia. He is an Australian citizen. Reply with horoscope to [email protected]

Caring fair academically qualified daughter is sought by Govi Buddhist mother for the son 31 years, height 5’8’’ graduated from a leading Australian University, PR holder, working in Melbourne. Australian residents preferred but all proposals are considered. He is visiting Sri Lanka in end of August for couple of weeks. Please reply with horoscope and family details, and contact number. E-mail: [email protected]

Colombo Bodu Govi son 5’ 6” 1976 engaged in business inherits substantial assets looking for a suitable partner. Makara lagnaya Kuja and Shani 7th place. [email protected]

Colombo suburb Govi Buddhist parents seek suitable partner for son age 31, 6’ B.Sc. Graduate Software Engineer. Owns two storied house and lands over 50 million. Reply with horoscope. [email protected]

Govi Buddhist parents seek suitable partner for their son born in 1985 November. Height 5’ 5” employed in USA as IT Engineer - Email: [email protected]

Govi Buddhist parents, their son TT/NS 29 years graduate and employed in UK seek suitable daughter residing in UK. Rahu seventh. [email protected]

Govi Buddhist respectable retired parents living in Nugegoda looking for a well-mannered caring, loving, life partner for their NS/TT elder son. 34 years old 5’10” tall, well accomplished, academically, professionally qualified & well employed in a multinational organization. [email protected]

Kandy B/G Kandyan mother seeks professionally qualified below 27 fair slim religious only B/G partner for her son Electrical Engineer. 31+ 5’11” N/S, T/T religious fair handsome. Mithuna Chandra 1st Guru/ Budha 7th Kuja / Shani 5th. Family details with horoscope. Email [email protected]

Karawa Buddhist Business parents from Panadura seek an educated, attractive girl from a respectable family, below 31 years for their 35 years old only son educated in a leading college in Mt. Lavinia. Reading for MBA final stage while working presently Senior Executive in a prestigious company in Western Province. Drawing a good salary. Partner in family business. Inherits assets and family business. Please reply with family details and horoscope by either e-mail: [email protected] or by normal post.

Malay uncle seeks for his 25 years nephew Canadian citizen Hafis Ul Quran handsome a religious educated pretty well mannered Muslim girl for early marriage and willing to live in Canada. Contact [email protected]

Moor parents from Southern Province seek religious, educated and fair bride from Colombo for their only son aged, 33, 5’3”, Technical Officer at a leading Mobile Telecommunication Company, based in Colombo. Email : [email protected]

NZ resident G/B parents seek a suitable partner for their son 33 yr, 5’6” BE & MBA qualified Software Engineer holding a managerial position in an international company. Responses from those living in Australia are preferred as he wishes to settle down in Melbourne after marriage. Email responses only to [email protected]

Professionally qualified bride with Islamic values is sought by respected well connected Sri Lankan Moor parents for their only son 27 years either from Sri Lanka or overseas. Reply with details and contact Email address. [email protected]

Professional Govi Buddhist parents in Canada (dual citizens) seek a well brought-up academically and professionally qualified, pretty daughter from a respectable family with Sinhala Buddhist values and a non-malefic horoscope for handsome son of 28 yrs, 6’’’ educated at St. Thomas’, Mt. Lavinia, holding B. Eng in Aeronautical Eng (UK), reading for PhD (Canada) and employed as an Engineer in a reputed company. Please reply with details and horoscope. E-mail: [email protected]

Professional RC parents in Australia seek a pretty bride a young doctor/ final year medical undergrad or equivalent from an affluent family for our youngest handsome son, B.Applied Science from the prestigious Sydney University. Currently finishing his MBA from Macquarie University, Sydney, 28 yrs, 5’ 9”, Department Senior Manager, medical, legal and clinical southwest District Dept. of Health. NSW, Australia. [email protected]

Respectable GB parents father a professional seek a pretty and a kind-hearted daughter from a Sinhala Buddhist respectable family for their son 27+, an Engineering graduate with honours from University of Moratuwa, currently working as a Consultant Engineer. Educated at a leading school in Colombo, NS/TT, height above 6’, owns a house/car. Has no intention of migrating. Non-malefic horoscope. Please reply with family details, and a copy of horoscope. Proposals within Colombo and suburbs preferred. Confidentiality of your information is assured. Email : [email protected]

Respectable G/B dual Citizen parents in Australia Seek an educated pretty daughter for their kind hearted son 30 5’3” fair postgraduate in a leading university and well established public servant. He has a minor hearing impairment. He owns a house, Car and other assets and will visit Sri Lanka in September. Please send family details to [email protected]

Respectable Moor family seeks a religious educated or similar profession pretty bride for their son 26 years, MBBS medical Doctor waiting for internship. Age between 18-24 years. Please e-mail with full details to: [email protected]

Sinhala Buddhist affluent professional parents seek a pretty educated daughter living / employed / educating in the United Kingdom for their 28 years 6 feet tall handsome son who received higher education and obtained BSc. (Hons) and MSc. from a prestigious University in UK and currently well employed in UK. Those who are willing to migrate also will be considered. Please respond with copy of horoscope. Email : [email protected]

Sinhala Buddhist parents from USA (dual citizens) looking for a suitable partner for their son, highly educated, master’s degree and currently working abroad for an international company with a substantial earnings and benefits. He is 5’10” tall, 33 years of age, handsome, athletic, kind-hearted. Educated at a leading private school in Colombo, owns upstair house and other assets in Colombo. He is looking for a pretty, slim, understanding, well brought-up partner. Was married less than week and legally separated due to no fault of his. Parents are coming to Sri Lanka in September 2015 for 6 months to finalize a proposal. Caste is immaterial. Please reply with horsocope details. [email protected]

Sinhala Buddhist professonal parents from Colombo seek a pretty, educated, decent girl for their son 30 years (1984 Dec.) 5’ 9” in height, good looking with sober habits. He did his undergraduate studies in USA and now reading for his PhD in Boston. Those who are studying or working in USA preferred. Write with family details to [email protected]

Sinhala Buddhist well connected professional parents, seek well accomplished educated bride from a respectable family for handsome professionally qualified only son, 34 years, 6’1’’ height, British citizen with sober habits, well employed as sales consultant in leading Travel Company in Colombo. Owns valuable property in Colombo suburbs. Only sister MBBS doctor in USA, married. Cast immaterial. Please reply with horoscope and family details to [email protected]

Sinhalese Buddhist affluent well connected, professional parents, living in UK seek for 30 year old son and only child a partner from a respectable family. He is 5’8” tall, very smart, obtained two masters degrees with honours from Imperial College London and is currently working as an investment banker in London. He has dual citizenship. he is very successful owns several large properites in London and also land and houses in Sri lanka and will also inherit substantial assets. Horoscope available. Please email [email protected]

Sinhalese parents seek well-mannered (a Doctor or medical student) pretty partner below 29 years for well-established highly qualified fair handsome Australian citizen son, 29y, 5’10”, preferably malefic horosocpe with shanimangala yoga. Tel. 0112608898, Email: [email protected]

Western Province Buddhist S/G parents seek an educated, fair, slim, well mannered daughter with Sinhala / Buddhist cultural values for their son, 41 (looks much younger), medium built, 5’ 7”, 65kg, NS/TT, medium complexion, smart, handsome, excellent character, Civil Engineering Diploma/ Quantity Surveyor having MSc, MBA, currently working as a Manager in a cost consultancy firm. He owns a brand new upstair house and a car. Reply in English/ Sinhala with full family details and the horoscope. [email protected]

Western Province, Colombo age 36, height 5’6”, fair and good looking educated guy seeks a girl for marriage, widows and divorcees are also considered. [email protected] 0117905342.



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