JVP's Election Manifesto:
An Accord of Contrariness
by W.A. Sunil
Taking a closer look at the
Pic: omlanka.net |
The opposition Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) released its manifesto
for the August 17 General Election late last month. Entitled 'The Accord
of Conscience', its overriding aim is to demonstrate to the ruling
elites that it is a reliable and viable alternative to the two main
bourgeois parties-the ruling United National Party (UNP) and the
opposition Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP).
The JVP, which was established in the 1960s advocating the 'armed
struggle' by rural Sinhala youth, has long been integrated into the
Colombo political establishment, exchanging its guerrilla fatigues for
parliamentary seats. It is seeking to function as a political safety
valve for the widespread hostility among working people to the UNP and
the SLFP.
The JVP's ability to do so, however, has been seriously undermined by
falling support and a series of debilitating splits since it joined an
SLFP-led coalition government in 2004 and assisted in implementing
pro-business policies. The number of JVP parliamentarians plunged from
39 in 2004 to four in the 2010 general elections. In the latest round of
Provincial Council elections in 2013 and 2014, its overall seat count in
the Central, North Western, Western and Southern Provinces collapsed
from 55 to seven.
Conscious of the JVP's role in diverting public alienation into safe
parliamentary channels, the Colombo media gave its manifesto launch on
July 22 broad publicity. The State-owned Independent Television Network
(ITN) broadcast the entire event live for the cost of just 54,600 rupees
($4,082)-substantially less than the usual price of around 200,000
The discount was undoubtedly for services rendered to President
Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. The JVP
backed the election of Sirisena in the Presidential Election in
January-a carefully orchestrated operation backed by the US to oust
former President Mahinda Rajapaksa who Washington regarded as too close
to Beijing. Sirisena then appointed Wickremesinghe as Prime Minister to
head a minority UNP-led Government.
Ideology abandoned
In the current election campaign, the JVP is posturing as an opponent
of the UNP and the SLFP. In presenting the manifesto to a special party
conference, JVP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake criticised both the UNP
and SLFP, declaring: "The successive governments over the last 67 years
have done nothing to develop the country."
The launch of the JVP
Manifesto at a party rally at the Sugathadasa Stadium.
Pic: omlanka.net |
The JVP, however, has since its formation supported one or other of
the main bourgeois parties, most recently demonstrated by its support
for the installation of Sirisena and Wickremesinghe. Since the January
election, the JVP has been represented on the 13-member National
Executive Council (NEC), the country's top advisory body that includes
the President and Prime Minister and has overseen the implementation of
government policy.
There is no doubt that the JVP is backing the UNP in the election.
While making muted criticisms of Wickremesinghe in its campaign, JVP
leaders direct their main fire against the "corrupt, nepotistic and
dictatorial" Rajapaksa and vow to prevent him from coming to power. Both
the SLFP and the UNP are capitalist parties that have a long record of
attacks on the democratic rights and social conditions of the working
The JVP was founded on the ideology of Castroism, Maoism and Sinhala
populism but has all but abandoned its previous socialistic and
anti-imperialist rhetoric. Its election manifesto is pitched to big
New socialism
The JVP promises to promote 'public-private partnerships', provide a
five-year tax holiday and other benefits for investors, and to
industrialise agriculture with an orientation to exports. Dissanayake
blamed successive governments for reducing Sri Lanka's portion in the
world market to 0.45 percent and pledged to reverse the trend.
Under conditions of global economic breakdown and falling commodity
prices, the JVP's promises can only mean that it will implement and
enforce the demands of big business for lower wages and greater
productivity-that is, higher rates of exploitation.
This is already evident in the tea plantation sector where companies
are insisting on higher workloads with no wage rises to compete on the
world market.
The JVP manifesto calls for the country's economy to be based on 'new
socialism'-a phrase that it has adapted from the Stalinist Chinese
Communist Party (CCP), which justifies its transformation of China into
a gigantic cheap labour platform for global corporations as 'socialism
with Chinese characteristics'.
The JVP, which still maintains party-to-party relations with the CCP,
is offering to replicate the brutal exploitation of Chinese workers in
Sri Lanka.
The JVP organised a special meeting for corporate leaders on July 27
in Colombo. Dissanayake assured the audience that the JVP was "ready to
join hands with the business community" and had organised the meeting to
convince businessmen not to regard the party with suspicion. "There is
an opinion that the JVP is going to have an economic system which takes
from the rich to give to the poor," he declared, but stressed that was
In presenting the JVP manifesto, Dissanayake offered another
assurance to the ruling elites-that the party would not take up arms
again. "We have done some actions that should not have been done by a
We regret these actions. We will not fight with arms. Our fight will
be between ideas," he declared.
The JVP launched an adventurist insurrection in 1971 that was
brutally suppressed.
Again in the late 1980s, its gunmen killed hundreds of political
opponents and workers who refused to support its chauvinist campaign
against the Indo-Lanka Accord.
The Accord was an agreement between Colombo and New Delhi to allow
Indian "peace-keeping" troops into northern Sri Lanka to enforce a
ceasefire in the country's civil war and disarm the separatist
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in return for the limited
devolution of powers at provincial level.
The JVP's empty promises to voters are basically no different from
the lies being told by the UNP and the SLFP. It declares that it will
ensure democracy by declaring that it will abolish the Executive
Presidency that has been used by successive Presidents to underpin their
autocratic methods of rule.
The new lie
The JVP has made the same pledge again and again but has also
repeatedly encouraged Presidents to use their executive powers. In 2003,
the JVP campaigned for President Chandrika Kumaratunga to dismiss the
defence and home ministers in the UNP Government, and, in the following
year, to sack the entire government on the grounds of 'national
security'. The JVP then campaigned alongside the SLFP in the 2004
election and held three ministries when it formed the government.
The JVP now denounces Rajapaksa as "corrupt, nepotistic and
dictatorial" but in 2005, its leaders campaigned for his election as
President. Right up until the defeat of the LTTE in 2009, the JVP
defended Rajapaksa and his executive powers, and was a cheer leader for
the military's ruthless war that cost tens of thousands of civilian
The JVP's claim that reducing the powers of the President and
boosting those of Parliament will guarantee democracy is a fraud. In Sri
Lanka, as in other countries, Parliament is simply the façade for
bourgeois rule and the ruthless use of the State apparatus to protect
private property and profits at the expense of the working class.
The only new lie that the JVP has added to its propaganda is that it
now postures as a party that can heal the divisions produced by nearly
30 years of communal war. At the special party conference, JVP leader
Dissanayake accused governments, past and present, of "sowing racism to
establish their power."
The comment is breathtaking in its cynicism and hypocrisy. The JVP
has been mired in Sinhala communalism from its very inception, when it
branded oppressed Tamil plantation workers brought to Sri Lanka as
indentured labour under British rule as an 'Indian cultural invasion'
that was a threat to 'the motherland'.
The leopard spots
The JVP always backed the communal war begun by the UNP in 1983 to
the hilt. Its opposition to the Indo-Lanka Accord in the late 1980s was
not because it was aimed against the working class, but because it
'betrayed the motherland' by allowing an 'invasion' by Indian troops.
Right up until the LTTE's defeat in 2009, the JVP demanded that working
people 'sacrifice' for the war effort to 'defend the motherland'. When
Rajapaksa resumed the war in 2006, the JVP helped build bunkers for the
military, voted for the war budgets and denounced all those opposed to
the war as 'traitors' and 'terrorist supporters'.
The JVP leopard has not changed its spots. Its appeal for 'national
unity' and phony opposition to racism is aimed at winning support among
Tamils in the North and the East where it is standing candidates. At the
same time, it has attacked the bourgeois Tamil National Alliance (TNA)
for calling for a federal constitution, not from the standpoint that it
divides working people, but from the chauvinist position that it
'divides the nation'.
The JVP's 'anti-racist' posturing is also aimed at presenting a more
respectable image in ruling circles in Colombo and internationally. It
is de facto aligned with the UNP, which is backed by the US. Washington
supported the war against the LTTE until it was defeated, but is now
encouraging a political compromise between the island's Sinhala and
Tamil elites and is seeking to marginalise Chinese influence in Sri
The JVP manifesto still contains 'anti-imperialist' and
'anti-colonialist' phrases but it cultivates close relations with
Western diplomats. It backed the US-led invasion of Afghanistan,
supported Washington's bogus 'war on terror' and has had a series of
discussions at the US embassy in Colombo, including senior
administration officials. In other words, the JVP has not only
transformed itself into a useful political tool for the Sri Lankan
ruling class but is also offering its services to imperialism.
- wsws |