ISIS - The Face of Evil
And why Sri Lanka's Jamiyyathul Ulama should mobilise
the Muslim masses to denounce this devilish cult:
by Sumaiyya Ahamed
The Terror Organization describing themselves as IS - Islamic State -
is very emphatically a misnomer. It has nothing to do with anything
Islamic or even a decent state. It is an organization using trickery,
chicanery and guile so as to deceive the gullible, the ignorant and the
psychopathic killer factions to support their evil and devilish ways.
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These killer blood-thirsty psychotic predators do nothing but kill.
They have very stealthily infiltrated into the rank and file of the
unsuspecting youth and have slowly permeated into our society, which is
indeed cause for concern, anxiety and unhappiness for the people of Sri
Lanka both Muslims and Non-Muslims alike.
The magic words The Terror organizations are chanting is - that they
want 'everything according Shariah'.
The Muslims have been lulled into thinking that 'Shari'ah' means
divine law, then, the word must be found it in a number of places in the
Holy Quran like the words, 'Jihad' (strenuous effort), 'Adl' (Justice),
'Zakat' (Right of the Poor), and 'Salaah' (Prayer). But what we see is
that we find the actual word Shari'ah in just one place in the Holy
Quran - vis-à-vis Chapter 45 Verse 18 where the actual word 'Shari'ah'
is used - it states "Then we put you on the Right way."
An innovation
Shari'ah, meaning 'right way', the etymology of this word reveals
that it has never ever been used to specify it as Divine Law or any law,
by the Prophet of Islam during his life time or even during the time of
the Caliphs.
Strictly speaking the word 'Shari'ah' for Islamic Law is not a
Quranic concept. The word Shari'ah is an innovation.
I would like to quote a paragraph from my article, which was
published in the Asian Tribune on January 24, 2013 titled 'Is Shari'ah a
Divine Law?'
Quote: "However, over Two Centuries later, after the demise of the
Holy Prophet during the Abbasid Caliphate attempts were being made to
codify the Islamic law and the word Shari'ah was introduced. Here the
Arab Custom has been brought largely into play.
Custom is not accredited as a source of Islamic Law in the Holy Quran,
but here; it served as an essential component in shaping what is called
today as "Islamic Law" - Therefore it could be rightly described as an
innovation - Bid'ah - something that was done over 200 years after the
demise of the Prophet of Islam." Unquote.
So when the ISIS Terrorist Organization says that their aim is to
establish Shari'ah law, what it means is that , they want to establish 'Dhalalah'
(Arabic) - meaning - deviation, error, perversity, delusion and
Which is what is exactly happening.
Jamiyyathul Ulama's duty
In Sri Lanka, the Jamiyyathul Ulama is supposed to be the official
representative of Muslims. Their duty, under such circumstances is not
just to make statements to the media denouncing the ISIS terror; but it
is their incumbent duty to mobilise the Muslim masses to show their
resentment and hatred towards and against this Barbaric devilish cult,
at least, by having a peaceful sit-in protest after every Friday Prayer
outside each and every mosque.
This ISIS curse is fast spreading all over the world permeating into
every nook and corner of each and every country, where You can also see
the ungrateful attitude of some of those people to whom sanctuary had
been given, three or four generations ago when they were been decimated
in their own countries by their very own people.
These suffering people were accepted with both hands, by the host
countries and they were given refuge, permission was granted to have
their own businesses, children were given the privilege to enroll into
schools and whatnots.
Today, three or four generations later, after having prospered
financially and educationally, they had forgotten all the privileges and
facilities conferred upon them and they turn against their own
These are thankless wretches, miscreants and reprobates and they
should be shipped back and dumped in their own countries.
If they have any grudge against anyone, it should be against those
who massacred their ancestors and chased them away from their
birth-places and domiciles; not against those people who granted them
asylum, shelter and refuge.
Even after nearly four generations if these people still continue to
support terrorism their permanent residence visas and every other
facility should be cancelled forthwith and should be sent back to their
home countries. Every country, without exception, should enact proper
legislation to this effect without any delay. It is quite certain, that
the outcome will be well and truly dramatic. But in the end peace will
It is very sad to see that that the Muslims in general have totally
forgotten or are wilfully ignoring the prophetic words: "Be a good human
being before you become a good Muslim." |