A credible economic vision?
Parliamentary Election campaigns and debates have not addressed many of
the economic problems. The Friday Forum raises some concerns relating to
an egalitarian and viable economic vision for the voters to consider.
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The three-decade-long war curtailed public discussion of economic
priorities. The post-war years characterised by an authoritarian
development push further constrained the space for democratic and
participatory economic development. While corruption is debated in the
election campaigns, addressing corruption has become politicised for
narrow interests rather than as an issue of public accountability.
In any event, the economic future of the country cannot be reduced to
a debate on corruption. In this context, the Parliament Election
campaigns are an opportunity to question the political parties on their
social and economic vision for our society. Even though re-charting the
path of economic development is a longer-term task, elections and
post-election moments are important milestones on that path.
Infrastructure and priorities in Government Expenditure
The distinguishing feature of government investment expenditure
during the past decade was the high priority given to physical
infrastructure including harbours and airports, railways and highways
and roads both urban and rural. The value of these investments to the
economy is yet to be estimated. Political parties contesting the
election are under obligation to give the public estimates of value for
money spent on these projects. The high priority accorded to physical
infrastructure required the relative neglect of social development
sectors, health and education, precisely at a time when these services
required re-assessment and new policies. The 2011-2012 Census of
Population gave us a new age composition of the population. Along with
that high aging population, rising standards of living and an increase
in unhealthy food consumption with reduction in physical activity have
produced new morbidity patterns requiring new directions in preventive
and curative health policy.
Our society was truly mobile in that, though yet poor, it enrolled
all children in schools. However, the problems of educational access of
children in plantations remain unaddressed. Overall, children in the
country stay in school longer and flow into universities in larger
Here, changes in knowledge production and developments in technology
require the re-evaluation of curricula, syllabi and school text books;
revisions essential to learn to live together in our diverse society.
Also essential is that political interference in educational
institutions, which undermines the environment for teaching and
learning, must stop. All political parties should inform the public of
the policy directions to meet these challenges of sustainable human
Revenues, Expenditure and Fiscal Policy
The outstanding feature of fiscal policy in the recent past has been
the failure of the government to raise revenue and curb uncontrolled
expansion in government expenditure. Not only does Sri Lanka have one of
lowest revenues as a ratio of GDP, much of the revenue comes from
regressive taxation with a large burden on the economically deprived. In
this context, there is a need for a more progressive and direct taxes,
the implementation of policies to curtail tax evasion and a review of
tax concessions to 'investors' and their benefits to the country and
society at large.On the other hand, expanding expenditure has been met
by rapidly rising borrowings from the public and lenders overseas.
Large scale budget support from other economies comes with their
economic and political costs, particularly given exigent austerity
policies. The mounting public debt and the current policies cannot go on
without meeting disaster. It behoves all serious political parties
contesting for election to announce to the public their priorities to
meet these exigencies and avert disaster.
Migrant Labour, Investment and Local Employment
Much of the country's foreign exchange is earned by migrant labour
overseas often in exploitative and harrowing working conditions. Nor are
the garment industries and tea plantations providing the workers with a
fair wage. Women who work in these sectors in particular face serious
financial challenges of sustaining their families given the meagre
Rural women and low income urban women face arbitrary and
discriminatory policies relating to employment resulting in precarious
conditions. Deprived women in particular are continuing to produce much
of the country's wealth, but they have gained little by way of social
and economic benefit.
Any new economic policy vision needs to consider these concerns of
labour. In recent years, while increasing amounts of foreign capital are
flowing into the country, very little of it can be considered Foreign
Direct Investment leading to production and employment. In fact, much of
the capital is merely channelled into speculative investments further
aggravating the conditions for economic crisis. Therefore, political
parties should state how the government can channel foreign investments
towards employment creation and address some of the economic aspirations
of our youth.
Towards a Just Vision for Reconstruction and Development
Over the past many decades economic policies and the war have
contributed to uneven development and rising inequalities. The war-torn
regions in particular continue to be mired in a social and economic
crisis characterised by falling incomes and rising indebtedness. We are
yet to see a meaningful reconstruction vision from the government or the
political parties.
The rural people and the urban poor are increasingly neglected, with
little investment in their productive capacities. In fact, the
marginalised sections of our society, and particularly women, are
further exploited through cycles of debt by unregulated and high
interest levying financial institutions.
Next, there needs to be a comprehensive review of agricultural and
fisheries policy and possibilities of greater productive investment
needs to be considered. The need of the hour is a just vision for
reconstruction and economic development that must emerge in tandem with
reconstructing a democratic political culture. |