Habibu Lebbe Saibo Lebbe:
The unlettered Architect
by Dr. M. Haris Z Deen
Much has been written about the red mosque - colloquially called the
Samman Kottu Palli by the Sonakha Muslims to use the term recognising
the Moor settlers of Sri Lanka, which attraction tourists and visitors
call the 'red mosque' due to its excellent mixture of red and white
exterior colouring to the brickwork. This mosque is undoubtedly
architecturally unique, aesthetically pleasing from all sides and
dimensionally appropriate as might have been designed by a qualified
However, even the great architects of our time have the most
admiration for this structure designed and constructed by an unknown,
unlettered architect. Indeed, it is time that someone researched into
this person, the designer of a landmark feature in the heart of the Sri
Lankan capital, before it is forgotten. This is my attempt at exploring
the life of this great personality - Habibu Lebbe Saibu Lebbe - the
unlettered architect, whose name stands proudly in a plaque in the
premises of the undeniably great piece of architecture.

The red mosque in Second Cross Street – Pettah |
I have in vain rummaged the family photo albums for a picture of this
remarkable man who is recorded as having designed and built the
architecturally unmatched red mosque in Second Cross Street, Colombo -
commonly known as the Samman Kottu Mosque.
The only surviving descendent of this outstanding personality Saibo
Lebbe, is his granddaughter Ummul Fahima who lives in Maththegoda, in
the Kottawa area.
Ummul Fahima cannot remember her grandfather who was deceased when
she was born but recalls what her mother, Saibo Lebbe's only daughter
Marhooma Ummu Ayman would often relate and wanted her to remember.
The areas north of the Colombo Fort was called Pita Kotuwa - meaning
outside the fortress and anglicised to Pettah. This area from the clock
tower near Hunter's Raleigh Bicycle shop at that time through Main
Street was dominated by businessmen, mainly Muslims. Jezima's, Zitan
Stores, Hirdiramani, Kundanmals, W.M.A.Wahid were some of the big names
that have been mentioned as having stood tall on both sides of Main
The roads crossing the Main Street were called 'Cross Streets' -
First Cross Street, Second Cross Street, Third Cross Street etc. On the
east of Main Street South Indian traders were said to have stored their
merchandise, while the opposite side was the domain of the North Indian
Borahs and Memons. Historically, it is important to understand this mix,
because although they were all Indians they had culturally different
practices and were of two different sects - the South Indians were the
followers of the Shafi'e school of theology while the North Indian
Memons were followers of Imam Abu Hanifa.
Fortress for goods
Because the Second Cross Street was mainly used for storage of
merchandise. I was told that it was called 'Samaan Kottai' in Tamil,
meaning a fortress for goods, which was later corrupted to Sammaan Kottu
- Sammaan being a nickname used for those of South Indian origin.
Saibo Lebbe, like his father Habibu Lebbe had been one of those who
worked as a mason baas during the day and being learned in the
recitation of the Qur'an, would teach the children of these South Indian
traders to read the holy book in the evenings. At the same time Saibo
Lebbe had been commissioned by these traders also to design and
construct houses for them in Panchikawatte and similarly to build a
small place of worship in Second Cross Street, in the same location
where the Red Mosque now stands.
As a matter of interest I have also discovered that the Imams who
officiated in the mosques at that time were also craftsmen who did not
depend on the meagre wages paid by mosque authorities but would work
mainly as masons - a term that was used for builders who were 'jacks of
all trades'.
Incidentally, my grandfather - Ahamed Lebbe, was one of them and
passed on this trait to my father. One other person I knew was the one
time Imam of the Dehiwela mosque named Noohu Lebbe, was also a master
mason. They not only built houses, mosques and other structures they
also designed and drew on paper what they were going to build in
addition to officiating as Imams in their respective mosques.
Saibo Lebbe, having gained the confidence of the South Indian
traders, was commissioned to design and build a mosque for these traders
in the place they had their place of worship in Second Cross Street.
Saibo Lebbe's daughter Ummu Ayman, had related that her father had never
visited any country outside Sri Lanka - then called Ceylon and did not
have access to any architectural literature. Even if he had any such
literature he would not have been able to understand them according to
the daughter Ummu Ayman, who was also married to Abdul Majeed, a head
mason from the Colombo Port Commission at the time.
At the time the mosque was built in 1908 they did not have any such
facilities like the internet or visual aids like the television at least
to have seen presentations of such structures. Therefore, Saibo Lebbe
had to depend on black and white pictures and photographs given to him
by the South Indian Traders who commissioned and trusted him to turn out
this masterpiece.
According to Marhooma, Ummu Ayman's reminiscences related to me at
one time, her father Saibo Lebbe did not have the assistance of
engineers or architects. He would look at pictures and meticulously draw
what he wanted the outcome to be at most times, literally 'burning the
midnight oil'. He would personally select the bricks that were to be
laid and stand at the site, not only as a supervisor, but would himself
lay bricks to ensure that the joints between the brickwork were equally
spaced throughout, that gave the special effect to the finished product.
His daughter remembered her father travelling to Puttalam to select
the timber posts which were treated teak for the internal pillars and
satinwood for the doors and windows. Why from Puttalam she did not know.
It seems that the odd shape of the site did worry him as to how he was
going to accommodate all the features in a dimensionally acceptable
manner, as would a qualified architect do. I was told that he overcame
this by a mixture of short minarets and 'pomegranate' shaped domical
structures copied from black and white pictures of Indo Sarecanic
monuments presented to him by his employers. By adopting a combination
of patterns mixing and matching Saibo Lebbe brought about a masterpiece
standing as a landmark in the heart of Sri Lanka's capital. I have
looked through many architectural magazines, there are buildings showing
similar features but I could not find any single building that has such
a combination of features incorporated in such a unique fashion. If
there is one, I am sure that someone will correct me.
The sad end
After completing the construction of the mosque and on the day of its
opening, Saibo Lebbe had stood in Reclamation Road from where he in
great excitement had been admiring the completed structure. While doing
so he failed to see a runaway Thirukkal cart which knocked him down and
ran over him killing him instantly. Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiuoon
- "From Allah we came and to Him is our Return".
A related story that was told to me by his daughter Marhooma Ummu
Ayman, is that after a week of Marhoom saibu Lebbe, her father's burial
at Maligawatte Muslim burial grounds, the District Medical Officer (DMO)
had demanded that the body should be exhumed and a post-mortem
performed. On exhumation it had been found that the body was as clean as
on the day of death even without any marks of the cart having run over
It transpired that the Constructor Marhoom Saibo Lebbe had not
executed the work for profit and had only required the payment for
materials and goods and wages for those who worked there.
Therefore, the Indian traders who commissioned Marhoom Saibo Lebbe to
design and build the red mosque, presented the unlettered architect's
only daughter Ummu Ayman a 24 carat gold chain and a deed of a land with
ten houses in Panchikawatte for her to obtain the rents and survive. The
property was later transferred to the only surviving granddaughter Ummul
Habibu Lebbe Saibo Lebbe's memory will continue to live as long as
the mosque is in existence with whatever renovations are being carried
out internally. |