A President's mission
The last presidential election
was, at one level, a contest between two beliefs: a superstitious belief
in an astrological prediction on the one hand and, on the other, a
pragmatically calculated political response to a perceived national
crisis. There could be no better example of the continuing perennial
battle between avijjaa and vijjaa in this material, yet illusory, world.
Thus, when Maithripala Sirisena triumphed - as predicted in all
social-scientific surveys - on January 8, 2015, the world immediately
changed, even if minutely, with the entire political dispensation in our
island republic shifting from one based on arbitrary rule and
myth-building to one based on reasoned calculation - even if somewhat
opportunistic - and a pragmatic managerial outlook.
The very personality of the President newly elected in January last
year symbolised that paradigm shift: his slight, austere bearing and
self-deprecatory demeanour a stark contrast to the bombastic, if
vacuous, flamboyance of his predecessor. The predecessor, a demagogue
par excellence, used his bulk to wade into the crowds to scoop up
political allegiance; smooching proffered infants, dishing out largesse.
Maithripala Sirisena achieved his presidency through reasoned persuasion
and impassioned appeal to the good sense - and sensibility - of the
citizen voters.
And the citizens themselves responded well to the President's
candidacy because by the end of 2014, many, if not most Sri Lankans had,
on their own, decided that they had had enough of the Rajapakse style of
governance or, misgovernance. Indeed, even as social surveys began to
indicate popular disillusionment with fantasy and macho
ethno-nationalism, that popular mood was clearly expressed by the
electorate in the Uva Provincial elections which saw the most drastic
reduction in votes for the Rajapaksa-led UPFA provincial administration.
The whole of Sri Lanka realised the popular mood swing away from the
Rajapaksa regime, although the sway of avijjaa at the time was such that
the rulers themselves chose to read the star signs and not the signs of
Thus, January 8, 2015 was a happy conjunction of the efforts of both
the revivalist nationalist political leadership embodied in Sirisena and
the newly galvanised, popular dissident movements - such as the Puravesi
Balaya (Citizens' Power) - and other interest groups, all wanting
A year has now gone by since that historic presidential election and
the sense of change enjoyed by the populace has been palpable. While
living costs have not been fully reigned, generous development and other
financial support by supportive nations East and West has helped the
country weather the financial storms that threaten in the wake of the
lavish borrowings and cavalier economic management under the previous
More importantly, those who wish to protest living costs and other
economic issues, have had the freedom to so express themselves publicly
and, have done so. 2015 has been punctuated by numerous demonstrations
large and small on a wide range of issues. The white van deterrent no
longer extant, pensioners, students, unemployed youth and war widows
alike have thronged the streets North and South enjoying their newfound
freedom of expression.
Even as they enjoy a new societal stability and a modicum of
wellbeing, Sri Lankans have had to stomach some remnants of nepotism to
be seen within the new regime as well. But the never-ending list of
immense acts of nepotism, corruption and political violence perpetrated
during the previous regime, suffices to serve as a reminder of the
extremities of mis-governance that the nation escaped with the electoral
victory of President Sirisena.
The disgust with the previous dispensation has been so great that the
nation has been ready to go along with that rare phenomenon of a
'national unity' government that combines the most unlikely political
partners - parties that have been the traditional political rivals since
freedom from colonial rule. The citizenry also seems ready to bear up
with further complications, namely, the making of a whole new
Constitution and also evolving a structural solution to the ethnic
President Sirisena is, as usual, being austere in his celebration of
his first presidential year. But this austerity is no more that a
discipline dedicated to achieving the may great tasks he and the
national unity government led by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe
have been entrusted with by an electorate that is impatient for
intelligent governance, creative development strategy and rapid economic
The President will surely have learnt the lessons of the last regime:
one can't fool all the people all the time.
Of course, no one relying on starscopes will learn from practical
experience and analysis of data. But this President and his governing
partners all come from the side of the intellectual spectrum that values
reason and civilised decency at least to some extent. As the country
moves into a very delicate and complex phase of constitution-making
involving the whole political spectrum as well as the spectrum of
citizens' interests, nothing but such intellectual depth and civilised
forms of political discourse will help.