Among the world’s most war-ravaged
Architectural devastation is a familiar byproduct
of conflict, but the effects on a city can extend far beyond simply
bricks and mortar. Throughout urban history, cities have been
regularly torn apart as collateral damage in wars and rebellions.
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Afghanistan: Keep on keeping on
A music teacher keeps on playing despite Taliban
attack in Kabul:
When a Taliban suicide bomber infiltrated a play
being staged in a high school attached to the French cultural
institute in Kabul, it was not clear at first who the target was.
The audience was packed with diplomats and prominent Afghans,
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India: Modi on flight mode
In 2015, the Indian Premier has visited 26
countries :
The beginning and end of 2015 were marked with
two high points for New Delhi’s foreign policy initiatives – having
US President Barack Obama as the chief guest in the Republic Day on
January 26 and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s surprise visit to
Lahore to greet his Pakistan counterpart,
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Maldives: Now there is none
Court loses last female judge:
Civil Court judge Mariyam Nihayath resigned last
Thursday months after she was suspended by the country’s judicial
watchdog over a complaint. Judicial Service Commission (JSC)
suspended Nihayath on August 17 after a complaint was filed claiming
that she had continued,
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