Challenges and opportunities for unions - Int'l TU Confed
The trade union movement faces significant challenges, in respect of
workers' rights in many countries. General Secretary of the
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Sharan Burrow talks
about the challenges and opportunities for unions this year, in an
interview with an official of the Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV).
are the main achievements of the international trade union movement and
which areas need improvement?
The trade union movement made global progress across several fronts
last year. Modern slavery is now a major international pre-occupation
thanks to union work around forced labour and migration in particular.
The level of global awareness has increased hugely, resulting in real
pressure on governments and companies to end the acceptance and
exploitation of forced labour.
The link between exploitation of working people and corruption has
been put centre-stage with the scandals engulfing many international
sports federations and the disregard for the rule of law which they have
shown for so many years.
There have been some notable increases in union membership at
national level in several countries, as the movement responds to the
call by the ITUC Berlin Congress to bring the dignity and benefits of
union membership to 20 million more workers by 2018.
Organising has and always will be the core of union work, but the
need for union power through union growth has never been more evident,
nor more central. At the same time, attacks on fundamental rights by a
number of governments, and hostility to union organising by corporations
needed constant vigilance and global action by unions around the world
to support colleagues facing these attacks, including arrests, detention
and most tragically the killing of union officials and activists.
We have begun to see a long overdue shift in governments' attitudes
to the behaviour of multinational companies, resulting from union action
for an end to the scandal of corporate tax avoidance and the failure to
regulate the behaviour of multinational enterprises (MNEs) as they seek
to boost profits through the impoverishment of working people.
Global Union Federations (GUFs) have brought more companies,
including some of the world's better-known brands, to the negotiating
table through global agreements. Unions have been at the forefront of
tackling the refugee crisis, particularly in Europe, welcoming refugees
and helping ensure their safety and inclusion into economic and social
They are also standing firm in the face of xenophobic reaction and
populist politicians who are fuelling resentment and fear. We have
carried forward the fight for ambitious and binding targets to put the
world on a low carbon trajectory and ensure just transition as industry
is transformed.
The Paris Summit was a key milestone and has given us solid
foundations to take this urgent and critically important work forward.
And the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) now include decent
work and social protection, thanks to the hard work of many trade
unionists and allies in government.
The ITUC, active across all these and the other international issues
of concern to workers, has stepped up its integrated and targeted
campaign work, with significant results in particular in building
momentum around the fight against slavery, national action on minimum
living wages and the rights of women workers and others facing
At the ILO, we ended the blockage of the supervisory system, with
governments standing up for the system and in particular the right to
One item on the agenda of the 105th International Labour Conference
is decent work in Global Supply Chains. What are your expectations
regarding this discussion to be held in June?
The supply chain model, which accounts for some 60% of global
production, is failing workers. It is driving increased poverty and
inequality, leaving working families without enough to live a decent
life and threatening sustainability.
Our recent report on the scandal of exploitation in global supply
chains revealed that only 6% of the workforce of 50 of the world's
largest corporations are directly employed. We are campaigning for
companies to take responsibility for their supply chains and ensure
rights for the 94% hidden workforce.
Some companies are finally recognising that not only is this model
corrupt and exploitative, it actually threatens their own businesses as
their reputations come under attack and purchasing power continues to
But many are content with the system of today and the opportunities
it gives them to profit from the degradation of rights and workers'
health and safety in a race to the bottom.We have very high expectations
for the June 2016 discussion. A strong new ILO standard is needed, that
transforms production and ensures respect for fundamental rights across
national borders.
What are the main challenges and opportunities for unions this year?
We are deeply concerned by attacks on rights by governments in every
region and more broadly the closure of democratic space. This trend
needs a robust response - nationally, regionally and internationally.
Governments must respect the working class, and stop bowing to the
incessant demands for weakening rights from some of the world's most
powerful corporations. Armed conflict is driving the greatest movement
of refugees since the Second World War, and the threat of terrorism is
evident in more countries than ever.
Strengthening democracy and providing economic opportunity are
critically important in overcoming these challenges, and the tried and
tested mechanisms of social dialogue must be at the heart of the
international response.
The global economic crisis has not been overcome, and the impact of
failed austerity policies are still feeding into the international
system, with hundreds of millions of the working class lacking the
purchasing power desperately needed to kick-start growth and the
tragedies of unemployment and the informal economy remaining the reality
for almost half of the world's population.
There is risk of an even deeper crisis, which will only grow unless
governments take responsibility to regulate the financial sector and act
forcefully against the corruption of global tax evasion, and create the
basis for real growth and fair distribution of wealth.
We are also facing the challenge of businesses, new and old, seeking
to deploy the next wave of technology to weaken or destroy the
employment relationship. We are looking forward to engaging in the ILO's
'Future of Work' process.
The Paris Climate Summit and the UN SDGs have provided solid
foundations for union action for a just transition to a low carbon
economy, and a new era of development.
The days of reckoning of the global sporting bodies now also provide
the chance to end, once and for all, the stain of workers' rights
violations and corruption which have become synonymous with major
sporting events.
The frontlines and priorities set by our Berlin Congress will
continue to provide the framework for ITUC action, working with our
regional organisations, global union federations, Trade Union Advisory
Committee (TUAC ) and the Bureau for Workers' Activities itself and the
ILO more broadly.