LAF scrabble tournament on Feb 27
Scrabble Bash 2016, the annual scrabble tournament of the Lanka
Alzheimer's Foundation (LAF) gets underway on Saturday, February 27 at
the Foundation premises located at Ketawalamulla Lane, Colombo 10. The
tournament is scheduled to start at from 9.30 a.m. and continue till
4.00 p.m.
World player Mrs. Shaila Amalean, who has stick handled the
tournament since its inaugural event at the Barefoot in 2009 will again
act as the facilitator of the event.
Scrabble is one of the many games promoted to stimulate brain
activity to distance dementia.
A number of studies carried out on 'brain sport' has proven that
mentally stimulating activities in early and middle adulthood are
strongly connected to reducing the risk of Alzheimer's Disease. Social
aspects of such games can reduce loneliness and depression as well.
Lanka Alzheimer's Foundation is looking for sponsorships, as many
elders who are interested in the game look forward to attending the
event. A person is charged Rs.2500, while a team of four works out to
Rs.10,000, which includes lunch for the participants and facilitators.
Call 2667080 on any week day between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. for more
information and registration. |