Health Teaser
Rabbit or duck?
This 124-year-old drawing has both if you can spot them:
out the drawing, which was published around 1892 in a German magazine.
Do you see an animal? Do you see two?
According to a psychologist, your ability to flip between seeing a
rabbit and a duck in the drawing is indicative of your creative prowess.
Dr. Joseph Jastrow, who often worked with optical illusions, noted in
1899 that those who can flip between seeing the two animals are able
during testing to come up with five unusual uses for an everyday item.
But those who can't flip or have trouble flipping could only come up
with two unexpected uses for that same everyday item.
He made his findings in 1899, but the image has endured through the
centuries; children's book author Amy Krouse Rosenthal wrote a book,
'Duck! Rabbit!' based on the illusion in 2009, and now it's going viral
all over again on social media.
So, is it rabbit season, or duck season for you? |