Should you be my Valentine?
Research helps identify good and bad romantic
by Gary W. Lewandowski Jr.
"Will you be my Valentine?"
across the world say those words in the run-up to February 14,
Valentine's Day. Whether you're asking a brand new paramour or a
long-term partner, the question can evoke feelings both of romantic
uncertainty and possibility.
But for the well-being of ourselves and our relationships, "Will you
be my Valentine?" is the wrong question. Instead, the more important
question to ask yourself is "Should you be my Valentine?"
Relationships can be one of the most important sources of happiness
in your life, with social connections serving as a key provider of
happiness and meaningfulness. Not surprisingly, human beings have a very
powerful drive to form and maintain relationships. After all, the future
of humankind depends on people coupling up to conceive and raise the
next generation. Because forming relationships is such a powerful
motivator, being in any relationship can seem better than being alone. A
variety of factors can lull us into relationship complacency -
compatibility, friendship, shared interests, inertia, fear of being
single or low expectations. The drive to be paired off may lead you to
settle for the relationship you have, instead of the relationship you
Figuring out whether your relationship is thriving or merely
surviving is daunting. In the hunt for 'the one', how can you know for
sure if your partner is the type of person who's best for you and your
long-term happiness? Thankfully, scientists who study relationships know
a lot about factors to consider when weighing whether your partner
should be your Valentine, this year and beyond.
The problem of greener grass
No one wants to settle. We all want to be with the best possible
partner. In your relationship, how often do you find yourself wondering
if you could do better? Are there preferable partners out there whom
you'd find more interesting, enjoyable, smarter or funnier? Does your
current partner pale in comparison with what else might be out there?
Researchers call these perceptions of other possible partners your
quality of alternatives. Psychologists measure your perceived quality of
alternatives by assessing responses to statements such as "If I weren't
dating my partner, I would do fine - I would find another appealing
person to date."
Agreeing with this kind of statement and believing you have
high-quality alternatives may sound desirable because you have
confidence in yourself and your ability to attract a good partner.
However, thinking about and monitoring other partner options can
undermine your present relationship's stability. This type of decreased
commitment to whom you're currently with, increases negative behaviours
like cheating.
Building a better you
Ultimately, you should be in a relationship where you don't even
notice any other greener grass because you're with someone whom you
think is the best for you, and who thinks you're the best for him or
Relationships provide a lot of benefits. Someone to share your
Netflix account with, to talk with about your day, to take care of you
when you're not feeling well.
Our social relationships positively affect our physical health,
including buffering against high blood pressure and heart disease, and
improving mental health by decreasing depression, anxiety and substance
abuse. It all adds up to building a healthy, meaningful life together
with someone.
A good relationship also provides a partner who helps you become a
better person. Researchers refer to this experience as self-expansion.
It's your relationship's ability to provide you with opportunities for
self-growth. Whether you learn new photography skills, develop a new
perspective on politics, gain a new identity such as "organic gardener"
or simply feel like a better, more capable person, self-expansion has
Check with your peeps
Relationships that include more self-expansion are more satisfying,
more committed, have higher levels of passionate love, experience less
boredom, and have partners who are less likely to pay attention to other
potential partners and less likely to cheat. (If you're wondering how
much of this valuable quality you have in your relationship, check out
the self-expansion quiz.) Given the potential consequences of being
stuck in a rut, less passionate love and more cheating, if your partner
is not helping build a better you, it is time for a better partner.
Who is the best judge of your relationship's future? You, or your
friends and family?
To investigate, researchers asked people in romantic relationships to
predict their relationship's future and compared their predictions to
those made by their roommate and mom. The daters thought their own
relationship would last two to three times longer than what their
friends and family anticipated. And people rated their own relationships
as significantly better than how others saw them from the outside.
Parents, perhaps because their own longer relationship experiences
gave them insight into what to look for, were most likely to identify
problems. Friends made the most accurate predictions, but it was the
person in the relationship who was most confident in the assessment they
made about their own relationship.
Consider that for a second - it's not a good combination. When
thinking about our own relationship, this research suggests that we are
highly confident in our predictions, which are often inaccurate.
Give your friends and family some credit, because this research shows
that they have unique insights into your relationship.
After all, they're looking out for your best interests and have a
greater ability to see the relationship clearly and objectively without
getting swayed by the heady mix of feelings and attraction you likely
have for your partner. When in doubt, ask the people in your life who
care about you whether your partner really should be your Valentine.
Knowing whether you are with the best possible partner for you is
difficult. While many of us get driver's education and sex education in
high school, we don't get "relationships ed."
But learning what science has to say about what makes for a good
relationship can help. Being informed ultimately helps us make better
decisions about whether to stay or go. After all, not being part of a
sappy couple during the chocolates-and-flowers Valentine's hoopla is
hardly the end of the world - especially if it means you're ready to
find the relationship you should have, according to science.
(The writer is Chair and Professor of Psychology,
Monmouth University and a version of this article was published in The
Conversation) |