Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 15 May 2016





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Age doesn't make a man wiser

Most Sri Lankan leaders, especially those in the public sector, have a misconception that an old person is wiser than a young person.

What is experience? People have experience in different fields. The fact remains that everyone has 'life experience', so it means nothing. Just because you experience an event, it doesn't mean that you have learnt the necessary lessons.

Employers also value experience because of the costs associated with training and the productivity levels of experienced employees versus those with no experience.

Experience is used as a general indicator of one's ability. We come across brilliant young people with more experience than a person who is much older. It's the outcome of experience that is of value. It's the ability, thinking and application. Thinking - to decide acutely and application - to execute effectively. These are two primary actions that ensure targeted delivery of outcome.

Wisdom comes from intelligence. Age and experience alone, will not produce wisdom, as the saying goes "some people never learn". I have found that one of the best things I ever learned was to admit to myself that I was wrong about things in life that I thought I had a handle on, when this occurred I became wiser, part of becoming wise is to readjust our thinking.


I come across some old people who don't have a drop of wisdom. On the other hand, some gain wisdom from experience but many continue to make the same mistakes. There is a small group of people who have wisdom because they learned from their experience and this needs time which is age. There are different types of people. Some like to read the plaques at a museum. Some want to understand about a particular subject in depth, or really know what's going on in the world. Others like to party all the time and think books are only useful if the toilet paper is gone. Employers look for 'ability' not 'experience'. When an employer posts an ad saying a certain amount of experience is necessary, what they are really saying is a) they want to be sure they get applicants who know what they are doing b) they do not want to spend excessive money on training or c) they want applicants who have already made their 'beginners mistakes'.

If you can address these concerns without having the practical experience, the company may be looking for, you have just as good, if not a better, chance at competing with applicants who have the experience.

In addition, never underestimate your own abilities. Ability, not experience, is what employers are really looking for. Experience just happens to be an excellent indicator of one's ability. Convince the employer of your ability, and your lack of practical experience will not be a handicap. Every great person in any field had to start somewhere without experience.

The world is full of exceptionally talented and gifted people who will remain undiscovered because of their self-imposed limitations due to inexperience. Do not be one of these people. Gain either the traditional or creative experience needed to enhance your abilities and be the best you can be. Our leaders should correctly assess and trust the abilities of the younger generation to grow faster.



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