What's your sport?
There are many to select from...
After a very long break, we are meeting once again through one of
your favourite pages. During the past, we have discussed many issues
every sport lover would wish to talk about. Today we're going to talk
about what keeps some kids from liking sports. Not everyone likes
organised sports or team sports.
If this sounds like you, don't sweat it out. With a few changes, you
might find out that there is a sport out there that you could like. But
if not, we'll suggest other fun ways to stay active.

Sometimes, children feel that they don't like sports because they may
not understand how to play them or because they haven't had much
practice doing them. Sports can seem complicated because of all the
rules and special equipment. Even the fields and courts they are played
on come in different shapes and sizes and have confusing-looking lines
drawn on them.
People spend many years learning about their favourite sports and
practising how to do them well. So, don't feel bad if you don't know the
difference between a "corner kick" and a "goal kick" in soccer.
If you want to learn more about a sport, you might ask your mother or
father about programmes that introduce children to new sports. These may
be better than just joining a team that starts playing games right away,
without explaining the game first.
Gym class and other sports programmes at school also can be a way to
try new sports with a mix of children. Another way to learn about a
sport is to check out library books or watch instructional videos or
DVDs that explain the rules and offer suggestions for children who
arekeen on learning to play them.
If you have an older friend or family member who's good at a sport,
you might ask him or her to help you practise. Some sports are just good
to understand, even if you never want to play on a competitive team. For
instance, you might play softball or volleyball, just for fun.
Some children don't like organised sports because they were once in a
team and they didn't have much fun. May be all of the other children
seemed to know what they were doing and you felt unsure.
Or may be you didn't like the pressure of competing against other
teams, where you know one team is going to win and the other is going to
lose. Competition can bring out some intense emotions.
Sometimes, children in a team get so excited about winning, that they
may yell or get upset at a player who makes a mistake.
This can be stressful - especially if it's you who made the mistake!
But everybody makes mistakes sometimes, and no one should tease you
for it. If they do, it's a good idea to talk with the coach or your
mother or father. Sometimes, children need to be reminded about being
understanding and respectful to each other.
Parents and coaches also can get upset about a game situation and put
too much pressure on children. This could make children confused and
stressed out during games, if they're not quite sure what they should be
doing. But, team sports can also be a great experience. Children get to
improve their skills and feel that team spirit as they work together
toward a common goal.
If you've had a bad experience with a team, maybe it's time to try a
new sport or a new league. There are dozens of sports and it may be that
you have still not found the one for you. Lots of children try soccer
and baseball. But what if your best sport is going to be volleyball or
gymnastics? You'll have to try it and find out.
Some children are naturally graceful. Others are strong. And still
others have great aim. Different sports require different skills, so
you'll want to try different sports to find one that suits you. There
are many activities you might not think of as sports, such as karate,
but they too can be great for staying active.
If you don't like being in a team, you might consider individual
sports. An individual sport means that a child does the sport by himself
or herself. So, you can do these sports competitively or just for the
fun of doing them. Swimming, diving, running, wrestling, gymnastics and
tennis are some interesting individual sports.
You might wonder why grown-ups want you to try sports and be active.
There's a good reason. Playing sports is a great form of exercise and
exercise keeps your body healthy. We've already talked about how there
are many sports to choose from, but there's even more good news: There
are many other non-sport activities that can give you exercise and keep
you active. Here are just a few: Playing in a playground, raking leaves,
jumping rope, dancing, walking your dog, cleaning your room and watering
the garden are just a few.
You may also find that by limiting certain activities - like watching
TV and playing computer games - you'll t naturally be more active. So,
you don't have to play a sport, but you might still find one you like.
The most important thing is to be an active person. And you have a world
of activities to choose from. Somewhere out there is a special sport or
activity that's just right for you! |