From Abroad
Antarctic warming three times faster than Earth's average
Antarctica's atmosphere is heating up three times faster than the
Earth's average, British scientists said after a 30-year study.
"The rapid surface warming of the Antarctic Peninsula and the
enhanced global warming signal over the whole continent shows the
complexity of climate change," said lead author John Turner of the
British Antarctic Survey, which published the study in a recent edition
of Science magazine.

"Greenhouse gases could be having a bigger impact in Antarctica than
across the rest of the world, and we don't understand why."
Weather-balloon instrument readings high in the Antarctic atmosphere
showed the continent warming at a rate of 0.5 to 0.7 degrees Celsius per
decade during the 30-year study. The average rise worldwide has been 0.2
degrees Celsius per decade, the study said.
"The largest warming of almost 0.75 degree Celsius per decade was
found close to 5km above the surface," the study said. "That is over
three times the rate of warming observed for the world as a whole."
The study used radiosonde wintertime measurements between 1971 and
2003. Scientists added that although the warming atmosphere at earth's
surface receives the most attention, the upper atmosphere is warming
more rapidly, some 4,000 to 5,000 metres.