CEPA to be finalised by end 2006
by Surekha Galagoda
The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between India
and Sri Lanka is expected to be finalised by the end of this year.
The CEPA was to be finalised at the end of last year but due to
several reasons including implementation issues of the Indo Sri Lanka
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and other issues it got delayed, an official
of the Commerce Department said.
The Free Trade Agreement signed between India and Sri Lanka in 1998
and implemented in 2000 spells out the concessions given to goods while
the CEPA extends beyond goods to include services, investment and
economic cooperation.
The FTA has led to an increase of trade between the two countries and
therefore both countries are interested in extending the agreement to
include services and investment as well, the official said.
In 2004 August, the initial exchange of views at Commerce secretary
level of the two countries were held and up to now seven rounds of
technical level negotiations and two rounds of Commerce secretary level
negotiations have been held between the relevant officials of the two
countries to make the CEPA a reality.
Under CEPA both countries are trying to reduce the negative lists,
relax the current rules of origin and introduce product specific rules
in relation to about 500 product lines and give mutual recognition for
product standards.
Under the category of services banking, insurance and capital markets
are being considered initially. At present both countries are making
requests and offers .
In the area of investment negotiations are under way.
In relation to economic cooperation Sri Lanka has forwarded a few
proposals including the Colombo Matara railway track, IT park and
renovation of movie theatres. The two governments are exploring the
possibility of closer cooperation in the areas of consumer protection
and legal metrology, the spokesman said.
He said that the next session of technical level talks between the
officials of the two countries is scheduled to be held in mid June in
Colombo. |