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Government Gazette

Punchinilame's smooth sail to the 'blue' seas

Deputy Minister of Rural Economic Development Susantha Punchinilame claims that he decided to support the UPFA Government while being in the UNP as he could not assist people in Ratnapura district for a decade in his 12 year political career. In an interview with the Sunday Observer staffer Jayantha Sri Nissanka he said it was his duty as a responsible MP to strengthen the hands of the President at this crucial juncture to overcome the present crisis in the country.

Q: What was the reason which forced you to join the Government?

A:There were many reasons for me to take this decision. During the past 12 years of my political career I could not render any service to the people in my district. They had high expectations. We were at least given the Decentralised Funds of Rs.5 million allocated for MPs when President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga was in power only after Ranil Wickremesinghe came to power in 2001 we got it. I could not complete at least one percent of work in Ratnapura during a decade. UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe during the last Presidential election said that after the victory, he will call upon all other political parties to join hands with him to develop the country. President Mahinda Rajapaksa also made the same appeal.

Few of the UNP MPs responded to this open invitation. I also decided to accept this invitation while being a UNP MP because I could not do anything for my people during the past 12 years and also help the President to overcome the present crisis in the country.

Q: Were you unable to do any work for the people during the two years of the UNF Government?

A:I was given a Non Cabinet Ministry to look after tea small holders. I did my best to help tea small holders during the two years in that capacity. Even dividends were paid from the profits of the Tea Shakthi Fund. But after President Kumaratunga dissolved our Government this programme collapsed.

Q: How are you planning to help the people in Ratnapura District through your new Ministry?

A:There are talented people living in villages who cannot get any assistance to generate their income. There are people who can start self -employment projects and various other income generation schemes. So I am planning to assist these people to improve their income. I will discuss my plans with the officials next week and also with the President who promised me that he will allocate enough funds for my projects.

Q: Are there many more UNP MPs to follow you?

A:I took this decision fed up of being in the Opposition for a decade. But there are MPs in the UNP since 1977. So I feel that many MPs like to join the Government. However, one thing is sure that a single party cannot form any Government in the future. Parties have to join together to work for the country.

Q: What do the Ratnapura people say about your decision?

A:Every one who spoke to me after I took oath never blamed me for the decision. UNPers have realised that either we have to form a Government or join a Government to help our people. Other than hardcore party members, a balance minded person will not blame me. I will try to help my people in my present capacity.

Q: Will the UNP take disciplinary action against you?

A:I took this decision as a responsible MP due to the present crisis in the country and accepting the open invitation of the President. I never blamed the Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe nor criticised the UNP. I don't want to criticise him and the party. I joined the Government to work for the people.

Q: Are you still in the UNP?

A:Yes. I am still in the UNP and I will function as a UNPer.

Q: Will you contest the next election from the UNP?

A:Of course if I am given nomination.

Q: Though you were the popular leader in Ratnapura District, you were not given the District leadership by the party. Outsiders were brought over you. Did you have problems within the party?

A:I came to Parliament in 1994 and became a Non Cabinet Minister in 2001. But some people who came from the National List held many Cabinet portfolios. But later they refused even to contest elections. But I did my best to win for the UNP in Ratnapura district. I was not given a due place in the party but I don't have regrets.

Q: Can the UNP win future election with the present crisis in the party?

A:It should be decided on how the UNP is going to be with people. President Rajapaksa is a very popular personality among people. He talks with people and attends public gatherings. The majority of our people respect such leaders. Such leaders can win the hearts of people. If any party follows such a strategy they can come to power.

Q: Rebel groups in the UNP blame that decisions of the UNP are taken by people who are around the leader. Is it true?

A:Anybody can change. I can win votes on my actions and also lose votes. If any party realises this, it can come to power.

Q: What are the weaknesses you see in the UNP?

A:The ordinary man cannot understand what we say. The majority of the people in this country are poor. We have to feel their pulse. No party can come to power without realising that.

Q: You had problems with the JVP in the past. So how can you work in a JVP oriented Government?

A:I don't have any problems with the JVP. There were clashes during an uprising. Innocent people were accused and arrested on false complaints.

I was acquitted of all charges. I have a friendly working relationship with them.

Q: Who is the UNP District leader in Ratnapura now?

A:I was appointed as the District leader after the last General election defeat. Still I am the leader and the UNP District office is in my building.



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