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Untold Stories:

Astrology and Gamini

Two years ago ,on this day (July 9), film legend Gamini Fonseka and I met at his Ja-Ela residence. We talked of many things, including astrology. Though he was a self made man, he strongly believed in astrology.

I was just the opposite where astrology was concerned. During our discussion we had heated arguments. But those were only for moments. He knew how to tackle me and I respected his views. Gamini inherited the belief in astrology from his mother, Daisy Fonseka who was well versed in reading the palm. She read the palm of R. Premadasa, a then municipal councillor and predicted he would one day become the leader of this country even for a short period. By the time her prediction materialised,she was no more.

When Sembuge Shelton Gamini Fonseka was four years old, his mother Daisy Fonseka took him to the temple to meet the chief monk to get his horoscope read. The monk predicted two important things. The first was to warn his mother to keep young Gamini away from women as he appeared destined to be destroyed by women.

The other was that if he (Gamini) had a brother, that boy would die in childhood. First, the second prediction became a reality. Gamini's younger brother, Shirley Ranjan Fonseka, died at the age of three, the cause was a cardiac problem. Gamini's mother, worried about the prediction on Gamini, was very worried and concerned about his future. As Gamini grew up, his mother even did not permit him to stay outside even a night, be it a friend's or relatives place. She was vigilant whenever Gamini's female cousins visited them.

Gamini and his wife Sumithra two years a go at the BMICH

Gamini's childhood was at Presbyterian Girls School at Station Road, Dehiwala. He was accompanied by his two elder sisters, Vilma and Viola. Their friends used to hug little Gamini and kiss him. When he returned home from the nursery, Gamini complained that the girls used to harass him. He used to wash his face screaming all the 'dirt' of those 'dirty' girls were on his face. That was how Gamini Fonseka treated the opposite sex as a child. As he finished his nursery education, his mother admitted him to S.Thomas' College, Mt. Lavinia and was happy that he was away from female company as he grew in age. Even in his early film life, Gamini kept a distance from the opposite sex though many tried to tempt him.

He led a happy married with his wife and four children despite his busy film life and popularity. But, astrology was always there in his mind. In my view, this was his shortcoming in life.

If one said there was good astrologer, Gamini would request him to bring that man, either to read his palm or the horoscope. He would believe predictions be it right or wrong.

Some around him capitalised on Gamini's belief in astrologers. As his nephew and a relative who associated him closely, I firmly believe that astrology was the cause that shattered his beautiful family nest at Ratmalana. Nearly three decades ago, some unscrupulous elements who posed off as 'great friends' of Gamini brought an astrologer to him and got that man to make a frightening prediction.

This so called astrologer said that if Gamini continued to live in that house, his life span would be shortened. And also predicted a sudden tragic death to the great actor if he did not separate himself from the family for sometime.

When Gamini believed he decided. There was not to reason why but to do and die. Others had to follow suit or quit. That was his way of life. He least realised that these men wanted to get the best out of him for their benefit. If that was to materialise, they had to get Gamini out from the crutches of his family. He left home almost three decades ago having faith in that astrologer who was sponsored by those interested to make that frightening prediction. As it happens to most of us, shrewd men succeed at least once in taking others for a ride. It was no surprise this tough man Gamini Fonseka too fell into such trap. As I said earlier, these so called friends from both sexes reaped the best out of this great actor. Though Gamini looked a tough character, he was mild at heart. If one needed solace, he was the right man. He would listen and even offer his life to protect and console such persons.

Coming back to my discussion on astrology with him, at one point he appeared an angry man when I scoffed saying that some astrologers earned their living making predictions by the roadside. "Don't run down astrology in that manner", he warned. "Too much belief will mislead a man", I retorted. "What the bloody hell you know about astrology', he cracked in his own inimitable style thumping the arm of the chair. Knowing the calibre and the temper of my uncle, I thought it wise to close the subject.

He used his intelligence to move to talk about his days as North East Governor.

But, it is my strong belief that Gamini Fonseka's tendency to believe in wrong predictions caused irreparable damage to his life and family.



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