


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Short story: Kismet

'13th May 1981,

'Dear diary,

I am so happy. I got my first appointment, or shall I say, I'm starting my internship tomorrow. I have to work in the medical ward of the General Hospital in Kalutara. I can't wait.'

Chani finished writing in her diary and went to sleep. She wanted to rest before the big day finally arrived. Chani was twenty five years old and was glad that she had chosen medicine. She had a peaceful sleep.

The next day, she wore a white sari which had an embroidered work of dainty little pink flowers. She looked charming. She left for the General Hospital. Punctual as she was, she arrived at the hospital exactly at Seven in the morning. Since she was new, she looked around, asked where the office was and introduced herself at the office. Here, she was introduced to the other doctors and nurses working in the medical ward.

Chani worked hard at whatever she did. In the hospital, she devoted herself to give the best care to her patients. She administered to keep records of the patients as the house officer. She smiled with everyone and had no distinction between people. Everyone liked her.

One day, a little boy was admitted to the hospital. The medical ward had mainly adults but this little boy was put into the medical ward. Immediately, Chani's attention was drawn towards the boy. The little boy seemed to be around eight years old and was not well dressed. His eyes were sunken and there were dark circles beneath them. His eyes had lost its shine. The tips of his hair, Chani saw, were turning brown. Chani recognised it to be a sign of malnourishment. His stomach was caved in. His hands were bony. He was thin and pale. Chani felt a deep sympathy arouse in her instantly.

The nurses told Chani that he had fainted. The hospital staff was asked by a consultant to give him a special diet. He was too emaciated to be sent a home immediately. Chani agreed with the consultant in her mind. For two weeks this boy was given special diet. Very soon, Chani saw a change taking place in him. He was smiling and his eyes shone. He was a very friendly boy. He got friendly with all the nurses and with Chani. Chani felt a strange affection towards him.

"Hello, Dosthara nona, how are you?" the little boy asked.

"I'm fine, thank you. How are you today?" Chani asked brightly.

"I feel better than yesterday. I think I'll be able to go home tomorrow."

"Oh no! You will be going only after a few more days. So what's your name?"

"Kamal Nimantha Siripala Chandrawansage Jayantha," he said in a rush.

"That's a long name. Shall I call you Kamal?"

"Anything you want Dosthara nona. Did my father come to see me?"

"He said he'll be coming today in the evening. Anyway, I have to go. I'll come later to talk to you again."

"See you later."

"Bye, Kamal." Chani waved a sweet goodbye and went over to the next patient.

She was an old lady who admired Chani. She called her 'fair lady' even though Chani was dark.

"Good morning, Sudu nona," said the patient.

"Hellow, today you can go home," Chani said politely.

"That's nice. Then I'll get ready, Sudu nona, my grandchildren must be waiting for me. Thank you very much, Sudu nona. I'll come to see you sometime."

"Bye," Chani said amiably.

Then Chani came back to her table in the far corner of the ward. She sat down and let her eyes sweep across the ward. Her eyes met that of Kamal's. She smiled with him. Then she recalled how his father had cried the other day.

His father was a labourer and he found it very difficult to give his children proper food. Kamal had two more brothers. Kamal's father seemed to love him a lot, thought Chani. Chani felt that a affection she had towards Kamal enhanced. Kamal seemed so innocent and bright... and loving.

The two weeks had passed quickly. During the two weeks, Kamal and Chani had become very friendly. Often, Chani had made sure that a plantain and tasty food were given to him by the hospital.

She sent him dinner from her hostel everyday (since dinner was not served by the hospital), sometimes with a piece of chicken or fish if chicken or fish was prepared in her hostel. After the two weeks Kamal's father took him away. Chani felt sad of not being able to meet him again. She hoped for the best.

'Dear diary,

Kamal went home today. I hope his lucky stars will shine on him. He deserve the best.'

After Six months. Chani chose to work as the house officer in the surgical unit of the same hospital for another Six months. In her second month's a small thin boy was admitted to the hospital. His hands were burnt entirely. The nurses in the surgical unit started to put the dressings on the boy's hands.

His face was ashen. Since Chani had to write the records, she asked for his name. One of the nurses asked the father who was standing outside the unit and told her that his name was Kamal Nimantha Siripala Chandrawansage Jayantha! Chani felt her whole world shake.

Later, as she did her ward rounds she went to talk to Kamal. Kamal smiled with her.

"Hellow, Dosthara nona, remember me?"

"I do. What happened to you?"

"We were burning Kos ata for lunch. My father was unable to bring food that day for all of us. My mother took the food and gave her children. My two brothers and I were hungry so we decided to eat Kos ata. I fainted because of the thick smoke and fell right on top of the hot flames," he said sobbing now.

"Why didn't your mother give you food?"

"She is not my mother. She is my stepmother. My real mother died. My stepmother only had sufficient food to feed her two children. I don't blame her. I guess any mother would try to feed their children first. I wish I had my mother with me. If she was there, this would have never happened," and he cried uncontrollably.

Chani felt so sorry for him. How miserable life could be! She wished she could do something for him but she realised that she couldn't. She sat next to him until he stopped crying. He seemed to have shrunk than the last time she saw him. When he stopped, she went to the other patients.

After three weeks, Kamal went back home. Chani bid him farewell. I guess this is the last time I will see him, she thought. May God bless him!

'13th May 1991,

Dear diary,

A year has past since my internship. For my second appointment, rather my post intern, I am going to Colombo cancer hospital. I am delighted.'

Chani was happy to meet her family again. They lived in Colombo and Chani had no way of meeting them when she was in Kalutara. She was overjoyed just to have that knowing feeling she was going to meet them again. It was a long ride to Colombo. But Chani didn't mind. She was excited to meet her next challenge. Chani went home where she was warmly welcomed. Then she went to her room after dinner to have a good night's rest.

The next day, Chani left to Maharagama Cancer hospital. She went to the office there to introduce herself. Whilst she was going to the office, someone came running towards her and smiled with her. "I'm Kamal, Dosthara Nona"

It took her a few seconds to really recognize Kamal. He was taller but thinner. He was pale and looking extremely weak. He looked terribly ill but his smile, though weak, was sincere.

"Hello Kamal, what are you doing here?" Chani inquired.

"My father brought me here. A doctor asked him to. The doctor said I was sick and will need aid. I coughed out blood frequently. I still do. So I am here," he said simply. Then he asked, "I will be alright-wouldn't I?"

"Let's hope so. I'll come tomorrow to see you."


"I promise"

"I'm so glad to meet someone I know here. I don't understand. Everyone is crying most of the time. And some children are bold too. I feel scared sometimes but now that you are here I am not," he smiled and let Chani go.

That day after Chani introduced herself, she made inquiries about Kamal. She found out that he had leukaemia and was in his last stages. Chani was shocked. Everyday she went to talk to him. His father didn't come to meet him. Probably he doesn't have money to come to Colombo, thought Chani. One day Kamal asked Chani, "Will I be able to see my father? Will I die?" He heaved for breath. Chani was left without an answer.

The day after, when Chani was doing her ward rounds she heard that, Kamal had died. Chani was stunned. And he didn't even get to see his father!

'Dear diary,

Kamal died. He wanted to see his father but he didn't. His body is in the morgue now. His father was sent a telegram that Kamal had died. But he has not come up to now. Will he?'


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