SLSI receives RvA Accreditation
With the publication of ISO 22000: 2005 standard for Food Safety
Management by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO),
the Sri Lanka Standard Institution (SLSI) has introduced a Food Safety
Management System Certification Scheme to be in line with the standard.
The Food Safety Management System Certification Scheme which was in
operation based on Codex Alimentarius Commission Recommended
International Code of Practice - General Principal of Food Hygiene
requirements - CAC/RCP1 - 1969, Revision 4 requirements were also
updated to meet the SLS 126: 2005 - Food Safety Management requirements
as it mainly covers the HACCP requirements.
It was also decided to implement both schemes in parallel, as in the
international scene the certificates issued against ISO 22000: 2005 and
HACCP are equally recognised.
In this context SLSI sought accreditation for both schemes from Raad
voor Accreditatie (RvA) of the Netherlands, one of the world's renowned
accreditation bodies to ensure that the certificates issued under the
schemes are well recognised internationally.
SLSI has received the accreditation for both schemes (i.e.) ISO 22000
and SLS 1266 (HACCP) and now the Sri Lankan business community can enjoy
the benefits of this certification as the certificates are acceptable in
any part of the world, being duly accredited by one of the world's
renowned Accreditation Bodies, RvA of the Netherlands.