Leader from the
The new man in black
As he warmed up his audience at Wormwood Scrubs last week, John Reid
confessed that in preparing he had seen images of Johnny Cash playing at
San Quentin flash through his mind. Whatever the political differences
between them, the home secretary can at times seem to share the bleak
outlook of the Man in Black.
Mr Reid went out of his way to tell the prisoners that they were
unloved and then, in the style he has made his trademark, damned as
inadequate something for which he has ultimate responsibility, in this
case the probation service.
It is in the headlines because a heavily-trailed BBC investigation,
screened tonight, shows paedophiles on probation getting close to
children. Mr Reid's emphasis on what happens at the end of prison terms
is overdue, but there are as yet few signs that the changes being
considered will much reduce reoffending.
One option is simply to lock people up for longer rather than release
them on parole, and it has been reported that proposals to do this will
be unveiled this week. The suggestion is that judges will be freed to
overrule automatic early-release dates and automatic discounts for a
guilty plea.
Restoring judicial discretion is welcome, although it represents a
departure from government policy of recent years. But, unless the spin
has been misleading, the extra discretion will operate in only one
direction: longer sentences.
If so, together with planned minimum sentences for carrying a knife,
the measures will increase the numbers in prison. The result would be
worse overcrowding, reducing the scope for rehabilitation rather than
expanding it.
As the number of prisoners has surged, the reoffending rate has risen
too. Mr Reid plans new prison places but these will be inadequate to
tackle overcrowding, even on the Home Office's own figures. Packing even
more people inside will worsen conditions.
Reforming probation on release could be more promising. The mooted
rebalancing of attention towards those, like sex offenders, who most
concern the public is appropriate. But it is important that ministers do
not raise false expectations of what can be achieved.
Those under probation are not locked up, and the service will never
be able to give a cast-iron guarantee on public safety. Like football
referees, probation officers have a responsibility to show the red card
when they see bad behaviour, but they cannot be blamed for every
instance of it.
With individual officers in parts of the country responsible for as
many high-risk offenders as there are hours in the week, there is a
limit to the surveillance that can be targeted on each one. Public
confidence in probation services has understandably fallen in the wake
of high-profile failings. The status quo is not an option. But however
good the service, some of those subject to probation will, inevitably,
Mr. Reid's big idea last week, bringing the private and voluntary
sector into probation, will not change this basic position. Non-state
provision is not a new idea: the Conservatives tried to impose a dose of
it nearly two decades ago, and chief officers retain freedom to
commission outside the public sector.
Plans for mandatory outsourcing of a fixed proportion of the budget
seem arbitrary and will make management difficult at a time when budgets
are starting to tighten. It might be, at the margins, that there are
things new providers could do better, as proved to be the case with
prisons. But set against that is the danger of the probation service
losing its overall picture of each case, a particular risk before its
computer system is fully modernised.
Five years ago the Halliday Report stressed the importance of the
"intermediate estate" of sheltered housing and hostels. These are
important but can fail, as reports this week show. Until courts and the
public have confidence in the system that follows release, as well as in
community punishments, the engine driving prison overcrowding will not
be switched off.
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