Violence from ultra-orthodox:
Jews may halt gay march in Jerusalem
Riots by ultra-Orthodox Jews in protest at a gay pride march
scheduled to take place in Jerusalem later this week have led police to
warn that the risk of violence is now too great to allow it to go ahead.
For several days ultra-Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem and elsewhere have
attacked police officers, burned rubbish bins and blocked off roads in
an attempt to halt the parade. Six policemen have been injured and 60
rioters arrested in the past week.
On Wednesday, police warned that the risk of violence was too great,
but stopped short of calling for a ban. "We understand that the
potential danger to life and bloodshed is greater than that to free
speech," said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld.
Menachem Mazuz, the attorney general, will take the final decision
later this week, and newspaper reports have suggested he wants the march
to go ahead. last week, he ordered police and gay leaders to meet
quickly to discuss modifying the event so as to avoid trouble.
The march was cancelled in the summer, because of the war in Lebanon,
and again in September, because police said they were overstretched by a
heightened security alert during the Jewish holidays. The supreme court
has ruled that the march should take place on Friday.
Opposition to the parade in conservative Jerusalem has brought an
unlikely alliance between ultra-Orthodox Jews and Muslim and Christian
religious leaders.
The parade has taken place four times in the past, but last year
three people were stabbed by an ultra-Orthodox man during the march.
Organisers insist that the march should go ahead this year as a sign of
the state's commitment to democracy, and are angry that the police
appear to be giving in to the violence of the past week and the growing
power of the ultra-Orthodox community.
"We will march on Friday," said Elena Canetti of the Jerusalem Open
House, the gay rights group behind the parade. "We hope it will be a
happy event, but even if it's not, it's going to happen."
If a decision is made to cancel the parade, gay rights groups are
likely to petition the supreme court to ensure it goes ahead.
The row is the latest provoked by the ultra-Orthodox community who
have complained in the past about shops, restaurants and cinemas staying
open on the Sabbath and drivers using some roads on the Sabbath near
their communities.
Last night gangs of ultra-Orthodox Jews threw stones at buses in the
town of Bet Shemesh because men and women were not separated on board.
Ultra-Orthodox residents in the area want buses where men sit in the
front and women at the back and the radio does not play.
There were riots at the weekend in Bnei Brak, an ultra-Orthodox town
near the much more liberal city of Tel Aviv. Rioters blocked one of the
country's main roads with burning tyres. |