Doctors warn of serious dengue outbreak
by Shanika Sriyananda
The epidemiologists warning of a serious outbreak of dengue fever as
people pay more attention to Chikungunya fever, which is not as deadly
as dengue fever said that the laboratory results on Chikungunya fever
are due next week.
Though the symptoms and sources of infection are similar, unlike
dengue, Chikungunya fever is not deadly but the patients will end up
with artharitis.
Consultant Epidemiologist Dr. Ananda Amarasinghe told the 'Sunday
Observer' that public responsibility is vital to prevent spreading of
both fevers and called upon them to pay more attention to the symptoms
of the killer dengue fever.
With the floods, over 2,000 fever cases have been reported from
Colombo, Mannar, Kalmunai and Jaffna areas. With the increasing number
of Chikungunya fever cases reported in South India, Sri Lankan health
authorities have taken steps to send blood samples of patients with high
fever to local and foreign laboratories to check for Chikungunya fever.
Dr. Amarasinghe of the Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of Health
said that these blood samples had been sent to five laboratories -
Medical Research Institute, Kelaniya University, Gene Tech and two
foreign laboratories in India and Thailand.
"The final laboratory results on Chikungunya fever will be out next
week and until then we cannot say the number of patients or the presence
of this fever in the country", he said.
The blood samples of these patients are from all parts of the country
which recorded high incidences of viral fever.
According to Dr. Amarasinghe, the country lacks laboratory facilities
for Chikungunya fever but the MRI conducts laboratory tests for other
mosquito borne diseases including the dengue virus.
He said that the best defence against the deadly mosquito borne
diseases was cleaning of the environments regularly to destroy the
mosquito breeding grounds.
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