Decline & decline of the Tamil Tigers
by H. L. D. Mahindapala
The increasing anti-Tiger forces within the Tamil community make one
thing very clear the Tamil Tigers have lost their commanding grip on the
Tamil people. Even in the Tamil Diaspora where the Tigers have their
strongest base a plethora of anti-Tiger websites and organizations have
cropped up to undermine the dominant voice of Tiger activists. The
available evidence confirms that the monolith of the Tigers has
fragmented and it is not confined to V. Anandasangaree, Douglas
Devananda and Karuna Amman. It has percolated down to the grassroots
making the politico-military perch of the Tigers rather precarious.
They are no longer sure as they were once of the undercurrents
operating in their own backyard. For instance, in the north the Tigers
have imposed a ban threatening the Tamil civilians not to go on board
Sri Lankan vessels transporting civilians from Jaffna to Trincomalee.
S. P. Thamilselvan, LTTE Political Head, warned that the civilians
travelling by boats between the North and East would become a legitimate
military target if they were suspected of carrying Sri Lankan troops.
But the Daily Mirror (March 13, 2007 ) reported that a large number of
civilians are waiting to travel using the sea route between Jaffna and
Trincomalee despite the LTTE warning that they should not use it.
Quoting a military official it said that during the week, about 1,000
civilians including women and children travelled from Kankesanthurai to
Trincomalee using the sea route by the Passenger Ferry, Jetliner
Civilians are not ready to listen to LTTE threats anymore and they
continue to use the sea route under the Navy's security, said the
military official.
Clearly, the Tamil civilians are thumbing their noses at Thamilselvan.
His voice has less power to control the people of Jaffna than the power
and the ability of the Sri Lankan Navy to give what the people of Jaffna
need. According to official figures, 11,086 civilians from Jaffna have
been transported in Sri Lanka Navy vessels. Thamilselvan is bent on
keeping Jaffna under siege conditions for them to exercise their power
and impress the Western diplomats that the Tamils are behind them en
masse and, therefore, they can dictate terms to the Tamils and the Sri
Lankan government. But the Jaffna Tamils are sending another message:
they are telling Thamilselvan to go to hell.
These acts of defiance are proliferating which would effectively
diminish and undermine the power and authority wielded by the Tigers in
the past. The Daily Mirror also reported that on a tip off given by a
Tamil civilian troops recovered one suicide jacket, six hand grenades,
two T-56 weapons, four magazines with seventy ammunition, one cyanide
capsule and two military type uniforms from KUPPILAN area in the
heartland of the Tamils. (March 12, 2007)
This confirms what Maj-Gen. Janaka Perera, the commander who threw
the Tigers out of Jaffna in 1995, told me. He said that he could have
not driven the Tigers out nor held Jaffna for long if the Tamil people
were not with the Sri Lankan forces, albeit covertly and silently.
Tigers in the east
The situation is far worse for the Tigers in the east. The Karuna
factor, combined with the rising people's pressure in the east, has made
the Tiger presence in the east untenable . Perhaps, more than the Karuna
factor, the fall of Vaharai, can be attributed to Tamil people
abandoning the Tigers and defiantly crossing over to the
government-controlled areas. The Tamil exodus is a demonstrable vote of
no-confidence the prestige, power and image of the Tigers who have been
parading as the sole representative of the Tamils.
The exodus in the east signifies that the Tamil civilians are no
longer enamoured by Prabhakaran's war which is supposed to be waged on
behalf of the Tamils. By marching out they have demonstrated that they
are only too willing to abandon the Tigers at the first available
opportunity. The Tigers put maximum pressure on the Tamil civilians to
keep them as human shields but the mounting pressure of the Tamil
civilians was greater and the Tiger had to let them go eventually. It is
an ominous sign for the Tigers whose hit-and-run terror tactics depend
primarily on the consent of the people.
Ideological waves
In addition to these ground realities, the ideological and the
political waves on which the Tigers rose to power has waned
considerably. Prabhakaran who was riding these waves have not yet
realized that these waves peaked on February 22, 2002 with signing of
the Ceasefire Agreement (CFA) an instrument of political power which was
handed over by Ranil Wickremesinghe, the then Prime Minister, to
legitimize Velupillai Prabhakaran's one-man regime in Vanni. In return
Prabhakaran rewarded him by doing what the voters of Sri Lankan were
rather reluctant to do drive Wickremesinghe into the political
wilderness which is likely to be his permanent address in the
foreseeable future.
The Tiger tendency to overrate their actions and underestimate the
reactions has cost them dearly. They hoped to reap political benefits by
passing a political death sentence on Wickremesinghe. But it boomeranged
on them in much the same way as the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi. These
two events stand out as the two biggest blunders in Tiger politics.
However, hardly anyone is complaining about what happened to
Wickremesinghe because Prabhakaran and Wickremesinghe deserve each
other. Their political rivals would readily agree that they should be
allowed to stew in their own political juices.
Embracing bogus theories of confidence-building Wickremesinghe became
a willing signatory to the CFA promoted by his NGO catchers, principally
Bradman Weerakoon, his secretary, who draws his pay cheque (when he is
not in government service) from the anti-Sinhala-Buddhist and pro-Tamil
ICES founded by Neelan Tiruchelvam. Moral: If you want to know where
your leader is going just take a close look at the direction from which
his secretary is coming! Prabhakaran too misread the CFA. He thought it
gave him the international licence to take the law into his hands and
defy both national and international norms which were standing in his
way to achieve his ultimate goal of Eelam. With his blinkered vision he
went all out to undermine the instrument that gave him the power that he
never had before. Between the two of them they worked for each other's
Wickremesinghe was ousted by Chandrika, his childhood mate who used
the CFA to hit him hard on his head. Prabhakaran too was undone by the
CFA when he used it as a stepping stone to unleash his escalated
violence to further expand his territorial and political power with the
connivance of Erik Solheim, Chandrika Kumaratunga and Ranil
Had he operated within the parameters of the CFA he would not have
been in this position today, banned by the international community,
plagued by desertions and splits, abandoned by disillusioned Tamil
people and struggling desperately to reclaim the power and the territory
that was handed to him on a CFA platter and lost subsequently due to his
own arrogant, unrelenting violence.
India, Norway and his other assorted allies in the NGOs who have
rushed to rescue him with various formulas and agreements have failed
and will fail because Prabhakaran is his worst enemy. Prabhakaran has
gone beyond the optimum will of the Tamil people into a demonic black
hole of his own creation which demands insatiable blood sacrifices from
the dwindling Tamil population.
Dehumanizing politics
More than anything else, Prabhakaran is now seen as the embodiment of
just not Tamil fascism there has always been a strain of fascism in
peninsular politics, starting from the upper-caste fascism of the feudal
age to the low-caste fascism of Prabhakaran - but also the dehumanizing
politics rejected by the civilized world down the ages. The cruel
concentration camps hidden in the Vanni, the abduction of children, the
persecution of Tamil adults, the elimination of Tamil dissidents make
Pol Pot look like a latter day saint. After anointing himself as Sun God
he has turned the Vanni into a mass slave camp where the Tamils have to
dance to his drumbeat.
All the conceivable evils of Jaffna jingoism that went horribly wrong
are concentrated in the essence of Prabhakaran's violent politics.
Through his intransigent politics he has descended to such low depths
that he is incapable of taking any remedial measures to save himself or
the Tamil people. He has dragged the Tamil people to depths of despair
with no promise of relief except more blood, death and destruction.
The Tamils who were shrewd enough to understand that their salvation
was in economic growth and they were very successful in going down that
path - were misled by their misguided leaders down an unattainable
political path that has ruined their image, deprived them of their
rights, and their gains of the past. The Tamils today are floundering in
this failed political experiment not knowing how to get out of it.
Humiliating situation
Worst still, they are in the grip of a political Frankenstein. The
Tamils had never faced a grim and humiliating situation of this
magnitude under what they called the Sinhala-dominated government. In
his over-ambitious drive to be the sole representative of the Tamils',
which means eliminating all other Tamil rivals, Prabhakaran has never
hesitated to wear the iron fist and the jackboots to keep the Tamils in
line. Unlike the Tamils, the 'Sinhala-dominated governments' (their
phrase) have resisted both Sinhala and Tamil forces threatening illegal
grabs for power from peripheral forces using violence. And this has been
achieved without turning the state into an authoritarian regime. Even
under extreme violent conditions, facing right-wing coups, left-wing
uprisings and separatist ethnic violence, 'the Sinhala-dominated
governments' have maintained a democratic balance which, by any
standards, is remarkable for a Third World country.
But in the very first experiment of Tamils running their own
administration under their own leadership they have failed to maintain
the elementary civic decencies prevailing even in primitive societies.
They set out to establish their ideal state which they said could not be
attained under a 'Sinhala-dominated government'.
Political nightmare
The deluded Tamils in the diaspora invest millions in what they call
a de facto state which has turned into a political nightmare for the
Tamils. This de facto state (a euphemism for the first Sri Lankan
concentration camp) is in a pathetic condition unable to even provide an
aspirin or a grain of rice to the Tamils.
They raise a howl if the 'the Sinhala-dominated government' fails to
provide the basic essentials to the Tamils in the 'de facto state'.
It is the primary duty of a state 'de facto or de jure' to care for
the people and to protect them from persecution, oppression and fascist
jackboots. If they claim it is a de facto state then they must accept
all the responsibilities and the duties of a state. After all a de facto
state should be as good as a de jure state when it wields power in
caring for the people. It should be held responsible in the same way as
a de jure state.
If the pro-Vanni propagandists and the NGO pundits accept
Prabhakaran's one-man regime as a de facto state then they cannot pass
the buck to the de jure state and absolve the de facto state from the
responsibility of serving the needs of the Tamil people.
Besides, if they state that it is responsibility of the de jure state
to care for the people of the de facto state then they must accept its
corollary that the jurisdiction of the de jure state should reign
supreme over the mythical de facto state. Having said that ,it must also
be recognized that the Tamils, wherever they are, remain as citizens of
the Sri Lankan government and it is the responsibility of this de jure
government to care for them. And despite many obstacles thrown in its
path it has seldom failed to honour its responsibilities.
UN experts on civil wars in other regions have commended the Sri
Lankan governments for being unique in caring for those held in
rebel-held territories. Whatever the changing criteria of a
successful/failed state may be the bottom line is that a state which
cannot provide security or the basic necessities of its citizens does
not have a right to exist, be it? de facto or de jure.
Those pundits who describe or accept the Vanni regime as a de facto
state has never condemned it as a failed (de facto) state. But the
democratically elected state which provides free education free health
services, free social services etc., is condemned as a failed state. If
so why is it that the vast majority of the Tamils (and the NGO pundits)
prefer to live in the 'failed state' and not in the successful de facto
state? These pundits are like those who praised the states in the Soviet
bloc as the ideal states and condemned the Western bloc as failed
states, though none of them ever dared to live in the successful
socialist states of the Soviet bloc. For instance, Picasso, a
card-carrying member of the Communist Party painting doves for the
Soviet Union, lived happily in Paris.
This is where the politics of 'the Sinhala-dominated government',
with all its faults, is morally superior to the perverse politics of the
de facto state of the Tamil propagandists.
Their de facto state is not only incapable and/or refusing to the
supply the essentials to its people but also obstructing the supplies of
goods and services sent by the de jure government to the Tamil people.
In any case, the fallacies of all the arguments of the de facto state
stand exposed when Daya Master of the Tiger hierarchy is rushed by 'the
Sinhala-dominated government' for urgent medical treatment.
'The Sinhala-dominated government' is also superior in that it is
fighting tenaciously to remove the road blocs put up by Terroristan so
that the supplies of the goods and the services can be delivered to the
Tamil people.
Besides, the humanitarian crises that the diplomats, the Churches and
the NGO cry about are creations of Terroristan.
The Vanni de facto Terroristan creates the crises to reap political
and military gains and when the de jure state moves to overcome these
crises they are blamed for not appeasing the obstructionists in the
To the credit of the 'Sinhala-dominated governments' it must recorded
that they have never gone to the extent of denying the fundamental
rights as in the Terroristan of the Tigers in the Vanni which prohibits
the ownership of even a telephone, or the right of a child to go to
school instead of attending Tiger camps.
It is the iron fist and the jackboots of Prabhakaran that have made
'the Sinhala-dominated government' more acceptable to the oppressed
Tamils agonizing under a pseudo-Eelamist experiment that has crushed
them like insects pinned by Prabhakaran when he was conducting his
experiments in killing as a school boy.
Unlike other revolutionary leaders Prabhakaran did not embrace
violence through an ideology. He was born violent, according to his
Indian biographer. Nor is he endowed with a democratic personality to
accept dissent and liberal politics. He is an authoritarian figure who
must live by the sword and, if the Biblical prophesy is correct, die by
the sword.
There isn't a more telling symbol that embodies his authoritarian
politics of violence than the flag he designed with an Indian street
artist in a street in Chennai, S. India.
His stunted imagination could only conceive of a tiger roaring like
the MGM lion through a ring of 33 bullets, crossed over head with two
guns fixed with bayonets.
The abject poverty of his intellect and imagination is expressed in
these stark brutal images without any accompanying humane symbols. Is
this the flag that the Tamils are going to wrap round them as their
ultimate expression of civilized human beings? Undoubtedly, the Tiger
flag is truly representative of Prabhakaran and all what he represents.
But is it representative of the Tamils who like to parade, from time to
time, as Gandhians?
Can the Tamils follow a man who has designed a crude flag only for
The Tamils today are stranded on the ruins and ashes of the failed
political experiment symbolized in their crude flag.