Lack of sensitivity to gender issues
Accomplishments and lessons in Tsunami Recovery -
a sociological analysis :
The study focused on cardinal areas covering
almost all realms of human activities. It has also looked into the
inherent institutional defects such as lack of accountability and
transparency, especially in the areas of distribution of financial
aid by the Government, NGO and INGO sectors.
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A fascinating phenomenon in cityscape
Boutique on wheels :
With the fast changing food habits,
city-dwellers and many others have changed over from home-cooked
meals to fast food and have got accustomed to having their meals at
boutiques on wheels which are cheaper than food served in hotels as
these tiny boutiques have little over-heads.
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Another footprint on Benedictine sands
Memoir of Elmo Wickremasinghe :
Past Benedictine cricketer, athlete, marketeer,
packaging ace, and inventor, Elmo Wickremasinghe 60, in dying,
proved his true indomitable self, more than during his abundantly
fruitful lifetime.
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