The Secret Pact Syndrome
We live in the most interesting times when secret pacts seem to be
dime a dozen. The UNP which survived charges of a secret pact with the
LTTE to win the December 2001 election, albeit as the UNF, is showing
all signs that for want of national policy, it is happy to raise the
decibel levels on secret pacts. It is now crying foul over the
Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreement with between Sri Lanka and the
USA. It's more farce than fun to see Ranil W, the nephew of JRJ who was
known as Yankee Dick for his strong pro-American attitudes, beat war
drums over the ACSA today.
Ranil who obviously enjoys the fun of being on the same side as the
JVP on this matter, must be having bouts of amnesia about what the UNP
was negotiating with the US when he was Prime Minister not so long ago.
This is just the enacting of the well known adage that when it comes to
the eating, even the poisonous kabaragoya becomes a delicious thalagoya.
Just to begin clearing the air, will the UNP (O) for Opposition - being
different to the UNP (G) of Government - please tell us the contents of
the ADSA the UNP was then negotiating with the USA?
Looks like we are fast approaching a new revelation about another
secret pact, or is it pacts, between the Government, the Editors Guild,
and the Free Media Movement. Who is lined up to come forward for the
kiss and tell story of how and when the Sahodara Samagama signed these
pacts, and who carried out the negotiations? Is this a born again Ranil
who is so concerned about media freedom today; so different to the man
who stopped the judicial inquiry into the killing of Richard de Zoysa,
and was glad to be in the Cabinet during the media and journalist
bashing days of President Premadasa.
Some who have made a study of this proclivity among politicians to
revel in stories about secret pacts say they may be affected by what
could be described as the Secret Pact Syndrome, a condition often seen
in politicians who see a wasteland ahead of them and little chance of
political redemption. One of the experts studying this said that judging
from what is taking place today you can stil call it the
Kabaragoya-Thalagoya Syndrome, too.
When asked what he meant by that Prof. Rahas Givisum said this was
the only explanation possible. Obviously it was all very delicious, and
enjoyed in such secrecy by those who did all the talking, signing and
implementing, but is nauseatingly brought out today when they are not
anymore enjoying the plums that came from that secret feast. What's all
this news about the LTTE taking over the Karadiyanaru Hospital to treat
its own wounded?
It's only the Secret Pact being played out in the open. One of the
clauses was that the Security Forces will turn a blind eye when the LTTE
takes over a civil hospital in a war zone, to help treat its injured.
I'm sure that 'Kiss and Tell Soori' will know the exact clause that
allows this type of thing.
What about these Air Force attacks at Thoppigala?
It's the same story. The LTTE is in close contact with the Sri Lanka
Air Force. It supplies the SLAF with the exact locations of where its
cadres, including some leaders are gathered in the general area
Thoppigala, and the Air Force Kafirrs go on a well directed sortie to
attack them.
But what about those who are killed, according to
the Security Forces?
What's so big about people being killed, even your own cadres? What
is more important is to keep the secret pact alive, isn't it?
You mean Prabhakaran is sacrificing his own cadres
to keep a secret pact alive?
Why not? It's the level of importance. What is more important, the
secret pact or the lives or some cadres, who will anyway do anything he
orders. The message may have gone down to these cadres that they are on
a suicide mission of a different type, and it is their duty to give up
their lives to keep the secret pact alive.
When the Sun God gives the order they simply obey.
What about these stories about the Government
re-settling civilians at Vakarai?
It's the same pattern. Ask 'Kiss and Tell Soori' and he will explain
it all. Doesn't he say he was involved in the negotiations from the time
of the Presidential Election? He knows it all. It's obviously a well
crafted pact to get the LTTE to leave their weapons behind and retreat
from Vakarai, and then allow the Government to re-settle civilians there
But what benefit is there for the LTTE?
Who knows, it must be a long term strategy for the liberation of the
Tamils. This is the kind of question you must ask the BBC. They are sure
to let you into the strategic thinking of the LTTE, or they have expert
commentators who know all about it.
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