Triad turns 14
Triad celebrated fourteen years of service, early this week.

Dilith Jayaweera,
Jt. Managing Director |

Varuni Amunugama
Fernando, Jt.
Managing Director |
Jt. Managing Director Dilith Jayaweera said, "fourteen years ago
commencing operations with just three people, our vision was to be a
100% local agency that truly understands the Sri Lankan consumer. Now
fourteen years later, we have mindfully retained that identity,
strengthened it and proved the power of our philosophy by challenging
the status quo of global multinationals in the industry."
Dedication to cause - remaining truly Sri Lankan - and strength of
conviction has enabled the agency to support a range of like-minded Sri
Lankan brands with effective, strategic communications.
Refuting varied invitations by global communications agencies for
affiliations, Triad has stayed true to itself and its Sri Lankan
identity. Heavily reliant on a range of proprietary brand tools that
shift consumer insights, convert them to big ideas and produce strategic
communications, Triad is a firm believer in the mantra that memorable
and effective advertising is a result of insight based conceptualisation.
A communications agency whose lifespan is a veritable case study for
the industry, Triad thrives at developing tools, processes and people to
reach a level of excellence that surpasses industry norms.

Triad team
Evaluating universal developments and extracting the essence of these
learnings to effectively adopt them to the local context has allowed
Triad to maintain the edge in service excellence.
Varuni Amunugama Fernando said, "We have developed a pool of talented
people who are on top of global trends because they have been constantly
exposed to the very best in the international and local advertising
From a support tools perspective we were in fact the first agency in
Sri Lanka to partner with a local software developer to create Job
Manager; a single entry job management module which is credited for our
speedy and efficient process control.
This was six years ago, we now see global agencies using the same
software. Our Media portal is once again a first."