Colliers International shortlisted for international award

Houses constructed by Colliers in Kirinda.
Colliers International, a world renowned real estate developer which
undertook to reconstruct houses for tsunami victims in Kirinda was
shortlisted for an international award by the premier real estate summit
MIPIM held in Cannes, France from March 13-16.
Colliers commenced work on the US$ 2.5 million housing project in
early 2005 under the Kirinda Trust Fund to build 67 houses for the
tsunami affected fishing community. Project Manager, Anthony Benjamin
said it was the first time that Colliers undertook a humanitarian
project and that it was not a mere charity program but to help people
revive their livelihood and the style of living.
The project which is wholly financed by Colliers obtained the
services of world renowned Japanese architect Shiguru Ban and his
company who had designed and constructed over 40 houses to blend with
the settings without a fee.
Colliers was selected to be one of the three finalists by a
prestigious panel for its architecturally designed eco-friendly houses.
Accordia Cambridge UK and Phillmore Square London are the other
Colliers operates in 56 countries with over 9,000 employees in 250
branches across the globe.
Each house built at a cost of Rs. 1.5 million is provided free to
recipients.The project will be completed in the near future.