Soldiers cleared over ill-treatment of Iraqi prisoners
Britain's military court martial system was called into question last
night after two soldiers became the latest in a series of troops to be
acquitted of offences against Iraqi prisoners.

People pray beside the coffins of victims of Sunday's suicide car
bomber attack in Baghdad during a funeral in Najaf, 160 kilometers
(100 miles) south of Baghdad, Iraq. -AP |
Major Michael Peebles, 35, and Warrant Officer Mark Davies, 37, both
of the Intelligence Corps, were among seven men put on trial in relation
to the alleged ill-treatment of Iraqis arrested in Iraq in the summer of
2003. Both were yesterday found not guilty of negligently performing the
duty of ensuring the Iraqis were not ill-treated by soldiers under their
Last month, four soldiers from the Queen's Lancashire Regiment,
including its former commander in Iraq, Colonel Jorge Mendonca, 43, were
cleared on a judge's orders due to lack of evidence.
The six-month-long, o20m prosecution was condemned yesterday by
Colonel David Black of the Queen's Lancashire Regiment, who said it had
been brought by an "overzealous and remote officialdom". He criticised
the attorney general for taking the case to court.
However, the outcome was described as a "travesty" which "gave the
victims nothing" by Phil Shiner, the lawyer representing the family of
Baha Mousa, a 26-year-old Iraqi killed in a detention centre controlled
by the regiment.
The prosecution alleged that Iraqi detainees were handcuffed, hooded
with sacks, deprived of sleep and forced to maintain a "stress position"
- backs to the wall, knees bent and arms outstretched. If they dropped
their arms they were punished with beatings.
One prisoner alleged he was threatened with lighted petrol and
another said he was forced to urinate into a bottle which was then
tipped over him while he was held in a detention centre in Basra,
southern Iraq.
The violence culminated with the killing of Mr Mousa, who died after
being so badly beaten that he suffered 93 injuries, the court heard.
It was told that such rough treatment of prisoners was known as
"conditioning" and was used before questioning. Whether such treatment
was legal became the centre of the case with a key witness, Major
Anthony Royce, claiming that he had been told conditioning was
At the start of the court martial, Corporal Donald Payne, 35, of the
QLR, admitted the war crime of treating the Iraqis inhumanely. He became
the first British convicted war criminal and is awaiting sentencing.
Also charged with inhumane treatment were Lance Corporal Wayne
Crowcroft, 22, and Private Darren Fallon, 23. They were acquitted on the
instructions of Mr Justice McKinnon due to a lack of evidence. The
military panel who sit as a jury were also ordered to find Sergeant
Kelvin Stacey, 30, not guilty of assault.
A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: "Today's judgment has been an
important one and we will need time to consider fully the serious
implications. In very difficult and dangerous circumstances in Iraq, our
forces do a superb job. However, we need to maintain both operational
effectiveness and the public's trust and confidence.
If, as a result of this trial, which is still ongoing, lessons need
to be learned, we shall do so."
"Coupled with that is the flaw with the decision-making process ...
on who to prosecute. But, as I understand, the decision was actually
made by the attorney general, so his judgment has to be questioned."
Guardian Unlimited