Bush meets anger over immigration issue
President Bush came to this struggling Central American nation on
Tuesday bearing a message that free trade with the United States would
improve conditions for even the poorest Latin Americans.
But he was also confronted with an angry, outside-in perspective on
the immigration debate raging at home, with even his otherwise friendly
host, President Oscar Berger, using a ceremonial welcome to criticize
the arrest of several hundred illegal workers, many of them Guatemalans,
in Massachusetts last week.
"As is the case in every mature relationship, once in a while
differences of opinion arise," Mr. Berger said in the central courtyard
of the grand presidential palace here. "For example, with regard to the
issue of migrants, and particularly those who have been deported without
clear justification."
The remark, coming during otherwise warm comments by Mr. Berger,
reflected the longstanding anger here over deportation of Guatemalans
from the United States, which has been stoked by a raid last week in
which more than 300 workers were arrested at Michael Bianco Inc., a
company in New Bedford, Mass., that provides vests for the military.
It gave Mr. Bush a taste of what is to come in the next and final
stop in his Latin American tour, to M,rida, Mexico, where immigration is
expected to be high on the agenda with President Felipe Calderon.
But with a much smaller population, Guatemala is also a focal point
in the immigration debate - 10 percent of its population resides in the
United States, according to officials traveling with the president.
While Mr. Bush's agenda here included a proposed new regional effort
to attack the drug syndicates - a majority of Colombian cocaine that
finds its way to the United States comes through here - free trade and
even adoption, Mr. Bush and Mr. Berger said immigration was a major
topic of discussion.
Newspapers here have been dominated by news of the raid, and stories
abound of families torn apart and children left behind as their parents
were sent off to Texas and New Mexico for deportation, but federal
officials say 60 people were released for humanitarian reasons.
Facing pointed questions from Guatemalan journalists, Mr. Bush stood
by the raid, saying, "People will be treated with respect, but the
United States will enforce our law." Mr. Bush said he disputed
"conspiracies" relayed by Mr. Berger that children were taken away from
Mr. Bush denied such accounts. "No es la verdad," Mr. Bush said,
"That's not the way America operates. We're a decent, compassionate
country. Those are the kind of things we do not do. We believe in
families, and we'll treat people with dignity."
Some of those theories have also held that the raid was executed in
advance of Mr. Bush's visit here, to send a message, an idea that United
States officials denied.
The protest at Iximch, came on top of fierce confrontations
throughout the capital, Guatemala City, in the afternoon, with riot
police officers firing tear gas at protesters who were hurling stones
and eggs, setting off fireworks and burning American flags. One
McDonald's restaurant had anti-Bush slurs written on it.
American officials have suggested that the protests dogging Mr. Bush
throughout his trip are being instigated and paid for by his chief
nemesis in the region, President Hugo Ch vez of Venezuela.
Along the winding road to Iximch, Mr. Bush's motorcade passed
hundreds of indigenous demonstrators who faced off with police and
soldiers to oppose the president's visit to the Mayan spiritual site. At
one point protesters managed to block the president's route with
boulders, but soldiers cleared them away in time for the motorcade to
It is that kind of crushing poverty that Mr. Bush said he came here
to address. And it is that kind of poverty that fuels anger at the
United States and its trade policy. Mr. Ch vez has tapped that anger in
his push for nationalizing industry and cutting interaction with the
United States.
While Mr. Chavez was in Haiti promoting his aid to the region,
Mr.Bush was in the Guatemalan countryside to highlight his aid efforts
and to tout the benefits of trade. Mr. Bush started his day in Santa
Cruz Balany , visiting a medical operation run jointly by the United
States and Guatemalan militaries.
On another stop, in a traditional, embroidered jacket, Mr. Bush
helped load crates of lettuce onto a truck at a packing station in the
village of Chirijuyu.
The station was operated by Labradores Mayas, a food cooperative that
was started by a local farmer who took advantage of an irrigation system
built with a Usaid loan to transform subsistence farms into commercial
enterprises that now distribute to Wal-Mart Central America and
"Free trade is important," Mr. Bush said. "It's a gateway. It creates
jobs in America and it creates jobs here."
It was a message Mr. Bush would repeat in fending off criticism of
his free-trade policy, saying at his press briefing with Mr. Berger: "I
also believe most citizens in Guatemala would rather find meaningful
jobs at home instead of having to travel to a foreign land to work.
And therefore, the more we can enhance prosperity in our
neighborhood, the more we can encourage trade that actually yields jobs
and stability."
NY Times