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Tee-Run v Gem Fer-Dee at Queens
There are no Queens but that's where the Wedding Sam & Co. meets by
the Duplicate Road. During a recent such meeting, Tea-Run Potato-S has
admitted that they too have gone beyond their limits in attacking MR and
his Government through their publications. Angered by those honest
comments, Gem Fer-Dee, the Wedding Sam's No.1 aide, has abused Tea-Run.
Potato-S at TT Palace
Tea-Run's dad, the big Potato-S of the DS fame, along with his
brother, came to TT Palace to have a meeting with MR last week. During a
friendly chat, MR has reminded Potato-S about the days the
educationalist was at the receiving end when Ra-Blue was in power. Big
Potato-S too endorsed MR's comments.
Boys on air
Wedding Sam promoted one of his 'close' boys as a radio presenter at
the new channel he and his Co. acquired recently. After taking over the
controlling shares of the radio station, they sacked Hud Sam, the little
Premadasa, and got down Wedding Sam's 'club' member to be a parrot.
Ra-Blue on temple tours
Ra-Blue's appointment diary is full of tours to temples and devalayas.
Last week, he came to a devalaya in Rakwana by 6 am. He makes regular
queries from Gods through kapu mahaththayas to find out what his chances
are - not to come to power but at least to remain as the Op leader. Even
the Gods are reluctant to help poor Ra-Blue at this stage.
Cases withdrawn
Remember that infamous Credit card transactions to access porn sites
on the web? It was the Mis-Leading from Behind that publicised the bulk
of high drama. But now, Wedding Sam has decided to withdraw the two
cases against the Mis-Leading man. Instructions have come from the
Retired Big Lady and Sun-Arachchi. Jolly good friends eh!